vz. 58 - Wikipedia
The vz. 58 (or Sa vz. 58) is a 7.62×39mm assault rifle that was designed and manufactured in Czechoslovakia and accepted into service in the late 1950s as the 7,62 mm samopal vzor 58, replacing the vz. 52 self-loading rifle and the 7.62×25mm Tokarev …
Vz. 58突擊步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
1958年型7.62毫米衝鋒槍(捷克語: 7,62 mm samopal vzor 58 ,簡稱:Sa vz. 58或vz. 58)是捷克斯洛伐克研製的突擊步槍,發射7.62×39毫米中間型威力槍彈。 它於1950年代末成為 捷克斯洛伐克人民軍 的制式步槍,並取代了過往在軍隊中服役的 vz .52半自動步槍 ( 英语 : Vz ...
SA VZ 58 Tactical 762x39mm - Atlantic Firearms
The Sa vz.58 in 7.62x39 . Chrome lined 16.15" barrel with removable muzzle brake. High quality barrel manufactured by Lothar Walther in Germany. Patented push-down plate on bolt carrier to prevent misfire issues (D-Technik/Czech Small Arms vz. 58 firearms are the only vz. 58s manufactured with this vital part to ensure reliability)
SA Vz.58 突击步枪 - 枪炮世界
Vz58全称为Samopal vzor 1958,从字面翻译过来就是“1958型冲锋枪”的意思,当然我们都知道该枪实际上是一种突击步枪。 比较准确的简称应该是“ SA Vz.58 ”,但经常被简称为Sa58或Vz58,而由于它是在捷克生产的武器,因此有时又会被不正确地简称为CZ58。 Vz58突击步枪由捷克的轻武器设计师伊日·塞马克(Jiří Čermák)在1956年1月开始研制,该新枪设计项目被命名为“KOŠTĚ”,翻译成中文即“扫帚”之意。 新枪在两年后即1958年就被定型和采用,很快就在位 …
Vz58突击步枪 - 百度百科
Vz58突击步枪是捷克斯洛伐克自行研制的步枪,Vz58突击步枪全称为Samopal vzor1958,简称为SA Vz58,从字面翻译过来就是“1958型冲锋枪”,该枪实际上是突击步枪,使用7.62×39mm М1943式中间型威力枪弹。
VZ58 Accessories, Rifles & Pistols | VZ58 USA
The VZ58 (model 58) is a 7.62×39mm rifle designed and manufactured in Czechoslovakia and accepted into service in the late 1950s as the 7.62 mm samopal vzor 58 (“7.62mm submachine gun model 1958”), replacing the vz. 52 self-loading rifle and the 7.62×25mm Tokarev Sa 24 and Sa 26 submachine guns.
VZ 58 Tactical Sporter, and VZ 58 Military Sporter - CZ-USA
The Czech SA Vz. 58 service rifle is now available from CZ-USA in 2 semi-automatic only versions, the VZ 58 Tactical Sporter, and the VZ 58 Military Sporter. The Sa vz. 58 was developed by Ing. Jirí Cermák in 1956 and 1957, adopted by the Czechoslovakian army in 1958. and was produced by Ceská Zbrojovka in Uherský Brod, Czechoslovakia until ...
枪械科普,搬运自枪炮世界(P1 捷克Vz.58突击步枪) - 哔哩哔哩
Vz58全称为Samopal vzor 1958,从字面翻译过来就是“1958型冲锋枪”的意思,当然我们都知道该枪实际上是一种突击步枪。比较准确的简称应该是“SA Vz.58”,但经常被简称为Sa58或Vz58,而由于它是在捷克生产的武器,因此有时又会被不正确地简称为CZ58。
The Sa vz. 58 Military rifle (hereinafter also referred to as the ‘rifle’) can only fire in the semi-automatic mode. The firing is effective up to 600 meters at individual ground targets and 800 meters at group tar-
Ceska Zbrojovka vz. 23 / 24 / 25/ 26 (Samopal) - Military Factory
2018年9月26日 · The standard magazine was a 24- or 40-round capacity magazine. The Sa vz. 23 quickly established itself as the standard-issue SMG for the Czech Army during 1951-1952. The Sa vz. 24 (vz. 48a./52) followed in retaining the wooden stock but was chambered for the 7.62x25mm Tokarev cartridge instead.