세아상역 - SAE-A
Learn about SAE-A’ s design process from fabric R&D to color selection to technical design. Learn about the quality functional fabrics we use to develop best-in-class performance wear. We are committed to be a responsible corporate citizen. SAE-A’s competitive edge is found in its utmost consideration of all its employees.
About - SAE-A
SAE-A at a glance. From yarn-production through its fabric mills that draw on in new innovation and technology, to retail operations in Korea, SAE-A has become one of the few apparel manufacturers capable of achieving complete vertical-integration of its supply chain. For SAE-A, business means being a member of the community.
Sae-A Trading - Wikipedia
The Sae-A Trading Company, Ltd., usually called Sae-A Trading or simply Sae-A / ˈseɪ ˈɑː / (Korean: 세아), is a global clothing manufacturer in South Korea.
Our group encompasses the world’s number one apparel manufacturer and exporter Sae-A Trading, fabric manufacturer Win Textile, yarn manufacturer Sae-A Spinning, sportswear specialist Tegra, domestic fashion companies IN THE F and S&A, top overseas luxury construction company Ssangyong Engineering & Construction, corrugated …
SAE-A TRADING CO., LTD. - Company Infomation
SAE-A is one of the largest apparel manufacturers in the world; it operates 41 production facilities in 10 countries and maintains 25 offices, including its headquarters in Seoul. Since its founding in 1986, SAE-A’s first-in-class workforce and high standards of quality, have made the company a leading supplier for some of the world’s ...
SAE-A STX Entech
SAE-A STX Entech provides EPC and O&M services for power plants including coal-fired power plants, gas turbine power plants, diesel power plants, and renewable energy power plants aiming for optimized EPC and O&M services with the best quality.
Business - SAE-A
SAE-A’s supply chain is fully vertically integrated. Our capabilities include best-in-industry research, leading design work, production of garments and superior retail experience. This allows us to provide our clients with a fully complete experience from concept to product.
글로벌세아 그룹은 세계 1위 의류제조판매기업 세아상역과 원단생산기업 윈텍스, 원사생산기업 세아스피닝, 스포츠 의류 전문 생산 기업 TEGRA를 비롯 국내 내수 패션 기업 인디에프와 S&A, 해외 고급건축 실적 1위 쌍용건설, 글로벌 EPC 기업 세아 STX엔테크, 골판지/종이 포장기업 태림, 신문용지 골판지원지 전문 생산 기업 전주페이퍼, 수소 관련 친환경 기업 발맥스 (Valmax), 식음료회사 태범, 문화예술사업 S2A 등을 거느리며 현재 전 세계 10개국에서 약 7만 명 (협력사 …
SAE-A remains relevant and advances the transport engineering professions across Australasia's mobility sectors . Who are our members? SAE-A members are individual and corporate and include trade and degree qualified engineers, students, government representatives and the not-for-profit sectors.
Sae-A Trading Co.,Ltd - LinkedIn
Sae-A Trading is one of the largest apparel manufacturers in the world; it operates 40+ production facilities in 10 countries and maintains 24 offices, including its headquarters in Seoul.