SAE ideas | NAAE Communities of Practice
2008年5月19日 · SAE ideas. Discussion created by Nina Crutchfield on Apr 29, 2008 Latest reply on May 19, 2008 by Nina ...
Apathy vs. Passion | NAAE Communities of Practice
2020年5月27日 · As agricultural educators, you were probably already familiar with most of the concepts portrayed in Chapter 7 of Marching Off the Map.
Pixie Stick AI lesson -- 2008 Region IV Ideas Unlimited Award Winner
Pixie Stick AI lesson -- 2008 Region IV Ideas Unlimited Award Winner Document created by Julie Fritsch on Feb 17, 2009 • Last modified by Julie Fritsch on Jul 20, 2009 Version 3 Show Document Hide Document
Every day ideas for promoting the ag program.
2011年1月19日 · Here are some great ideas that others have shared for spreading the ag education message: Post student accomplishments on business marquis; Send a follow-up email to school staff regarding student success or involvement at events. Especially if students missed school for the event.
Final Reflection From Student Teaching | NAAE Communities of …
2017年4月23日 · Through my experience student teaching there were many different experiences, that affected me in a multitude of ways.
Parasitology lesson-"New Vet Sci" | NAAE Communities of Practice
The five writer team worked together to share ideas and peer evaluate. I am also going to include a section called "background information" Each of the 25 units in the curriculum has a section of background information to get the students "primed". Dr.
Sheep Unit | NAAE Communities of Practice
2010年11月19日 · Does anyone have a good Unit intrest approach/Unit opener for a sheep unit?
The 4-H and FFA Stamps | NAAE Communities of Practice
Did you ever have a stamp collection? While in elementary school I had a very rudimentary stamp collection. It probably violated every rule of stamp
Presidents & National FFA Conventions | NAAE Communities of …
Note from the Friday Footnote Curator: This will be the last Friday Footnote for 2019.Enjoy the Christmas Season.
Discussion Post 3 (Ch. 7) | NAAE Communities of Practice
2018年8月6日 · What is a lesson plan/unit of instruction that gets your students excited each year? Or it is so engaging that it is your favorite to teach?