ASN is not triggering after PGI completed through IDOC - SAP …
I have a issue in triggering of ASN after PGI completed. The scenerio is our client do the post goods issue through EDI Message Type: SHPCON & Basic Type: DELVRY07 . we are are able to do the goods issue smmothly. all the post goods activities are triggring like workflow update, material doc generating etc etc . but the ASN is not triggering.
Conf. Control key and ASN | SAP Community
Can you explain the step by step process of the standard ASN creation, confirmation and goods reciept in SAP? I am confused between AS & LA conf. control keys and goods receipt and inbound delivery steps. 1. I have defined confirmation control in SPRO. 1. PO is created. 2. Vendor confirms they can deliver qty X on date ABC.
ASN Quantity control in PO - SAP Community
PO is created for 100 EA. Now I dont want to receive ASN with quantity more than 100. i.e. I dont want the inbound delivery to be created if the ASN quantity is different from PO quantity. (supplier is on EDI) How can I achieve this ? Thanks in Advance, Pat.
Suitable Process Code for ASN - SAP Community
Could somebody tell me which is the most suitable Basic Type for Inbound ASN ? I think that it should be : Message type : DESADV. Process code : DELS. Basic Type :DELVRY03. But there is another one: Message type : DESADV. Process code : DESA. Basic Type :DESADV01. I would appreciate your input. Thanks. InduBala
ASN problem with RTV - SAP Community
we have raised a PO to a vendor for 10 EA qty. we are maintaining the enterprise portal also. vendor has updated a ASN against this PO. we posted a GR against this PO. later we found 2 are defective. we raised Return to Vendor thru a GR with mvmt type 122. in the portal it is showing 2 as due against that PO and the ASN. but it is not allowing ...
ASN Publish "A severe error (Application Data Not Valid ... - SAP …
The supplier has successfully created ASN's similar to this one with no issue. If there is no trace option, can any one suggest any possible causes. If I change the ASN and do a Check and save as Draft, there is no issue, only when publishing it. Regards, Jeff
suitable IDoC for outbd ASN - SAP Community
Also, need clarification for outbound ASN: which is more suitable? Message type : DESADV Process code : SD05 Basic Type :DESADV01 or Message type : DESADV Process code : DELV Basic Type : DELVRY01 Tha
SNC Kanban with Purchase Orders - SAP Community
2011年2月23日 · ASN item ASN1 / 000001 ( 4501063134 / 00010 ): Notified quantity 1200.000000 is greater than due qty 1000.00000000000000 (tolerance: 0.000000) Validation for val. prof. P001 (ICH, DELIVERY_PUBLISH, ITEM) ended with errors and warnings "
Auto updation of Shipping Date on ASN Save / Publish - SAP …
In the ASN Scenario, on saving / publishing the ASN the manually entered shipping date in ASN Header gets overwritten with a system calculated date (In my case it is same as Delivery Date). We want the supplier to enter both the Shipping Date & Delivery Date manually while creating the ASN. What needs to be done for the same?
How to test outbound IDoc? - SAP Community
Hi all, How do you test an outbound ASN (Delivery document Idoc type DELVRY03). I think first you create an outbound delivery using VL03n and then create an idoc out of it (how?)