Solved: DocNum vs. DocEntry in Prod Order - SAP Community
2005年12月6日 · The DocNum field is the field that is used in your document ranges and in document numbering. This number can start from 500 (for example) instead of 1. If you don't set any custom document numbering, the DocEntry and DocNum field should always stay the same.
How to get DocNum via DI API - SAP Community
2010年4月16日 · There is no inbuilt function for getting the DocNum value, you would have to use either some query or read the record in order to get the DocNum, on the basis of DocEntry. Regards, Rahul Jain
Solved: DocNum and DocEntry - SAP Community
2010年4月19日 · DocNum -> Document number, which can be customized in document numbering menu option. For One Document can be different numbering cycles, which can be restarted by period indicators. Example: Period indicator 2010. You have the following numbering cycles for Sales Orders: 1st Cycle name sales, numbering range: 20100001-20109999
API Reference for DI objects - SAP Online Help
When saving the draft as a document, SAP Business One assigns a new available number. In case the value of the HandWritten property is tYES, set a value (greater than 0) to the DocNum property and also set the Series property to -1.
EDIDC-DOCNUM SAP table Field - IDoc number values - SE80
DOCNUM is a standard field within SAP Table EDIDC that stores IDoc number information. Below is the list of attribute values for the DOCNUM field including its length, data type, description text, associated data element, search help etc...
DocNum - - biuan.com SDK Developer - SAP® Business ONE (SBO)
Documents is a business object that represents the header data of documents in the Marketing Documents and Receipts module and the Inventory and Production module of SAP Business One application. The source table for each document is according...
DOCNUM Field in SAP | Document number Data Element using tables - SAP …
DOCNUM is a data element in SAP used for storing Document number data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this DOCNUM field in SAP. Data Element : DOCNUM; Description : Document number; Data Type :CHAR
SAP Get IDoc number via transid and get IDoc status via IDoc number
2002年10月4日 · Solution: either drop $tid, or use the Service “pub.sap.client:invoke” (instead of RFC:OutboundProcess or sap.map: outbound, etc.). The “invoke” Service always makes a “synchronous” RFC call.
Solved: DocNo & DocEntry are different - SAP Community
2008年7月9日 · When you use segmented database then the docentry and docnum is different for a record.
Data Formatting - SAP Documentation - SAP Online Help
In doing so, you send one EDI-DC40 record and four EDI_DD40 records per IDoc. The system collates the four IDoc segments together under the unique number of the IDoc or the intermediate document. The corresponding EDI_DC record is also identified from the DOCNUM. You transfer two internal tables with the following construction: