SAP NetWeaver Portal - India Post
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Welcome to SAP Enterprise Portal - SAP Online Help
The portal offers a single point of access to SAP and non-SAP information sources, enterprise applications, information repositories, databases and services, in and outside your organization. You can access the portal from desktops and from mobile devices, such as …
SAP Enterprise Portal - SAP Online Help
SAP Enterprise Portal (usage types EPC and EP) provides the core portal capabilities required to standard content to both internal and external portal users. The portal offers a single point of access through a Web front end to both SAP and non-SAP information sources, enterprise applications, information repositories, databases and services ...
SAP EP和NWBC有什么区别啊? - 百度知道
SAP NetWeaver Business Client (NWBC) 是新一代SAP用户界面,集成了SAPGUI事务和新的web dynpro应用,类似于桌面应用程序。 EP是一个企业门户,更加接近一个网页,上面是用来做数据采集录
在SAP EP中建立与第三方系统的连接 - CSDN博客
2011年2月17日 · SAP系统与Oracle数据库的连接是SAP开发中的一个重要步骤,该连接允许SAP系统访问Oracle数据库中的数据,实现数据交换和共享。 在本文 中 ,我们将详细介绍 SAP 开发 中 模块 连接 Oracle数据库的具体方法步骤。
SAP Enterprise Portal
SAP Enterprise Portal is the Web front-end component for SAP NetWeaver - the comprehensive integration and application platform that facilitates the alignment of people, information, and business processes across organizational and technical boundaries.
SAP EP开发环境搭建和操作总结 - CSDN博客
2015年2月11日 · 本文详细介绍了sap ep开发环境的搭建过程,包括安装和配置jdk、设置j2ee engine、工程目录设定、新建rfc、包关联、创建应用app、工程部署以及发布到ep开发机的步骤。
Introduction to SAP EP (Enterprise Portal) - GeeksforGeeks
2024年8月13日 · SAP Enterprise Portal (EP) is a web-based portal system that offers users a single point of access to data, apps, and services across the landscape of a business. It helps businesses to build a customized, role-based interface that partners, workers, and consumers may use to safely access pertinent information and apps.
3365091 - SAP Enterprise Portal 7.5: What's Next & Future?
SAP Enterprise Portal 7.5 will follow the same maintenance timeframe with SAP NetWeaver 7.5. Get here some recommendations regarding a transition of your on-premise SAP Enterprise Portal to SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP). Read more...
SAP_BW同Portal(EP)集成配置及操作手册 - 百度文库
SAP 的 NetWeaver 中提供了一个应用服务器,利用 QUERY 和 WAD 可以开发出通过网页展示的 查询界面。 SAP 的 EP 是可以作为后台应用服务器,其他的一些模块,例如 BPM、BPS 等都是 构筑在这一基础之上。