OBYC- FI/MM - SAP Community
Hi I would like to split the amount of Inventory amount to two different accounts. Current Entry: Inventory Account Dr 10000 GRIR account Cr 10000 Desired Entry: Inventory Account Dr 8000 Customs Duty
Account Determination of COGS via Account key in Sales ... - SAP …
The Requirement from business is to avoid the accounting determination via OBYC-VAX in posting COGS and wants to determine a unique Account for all the Cost posted regardless of the Material types/valuation class for this special transactions. Where as the general business transaction will be managed by OBYC and valuation class.
How to configure and Steps of OBYC, VKOA | SAP Community
HI Friends I want configaration steps of OBYC, VKOA. ( i.e Integration Fi with MM, SD) Please send me my email : [Email removed by moderator] Ashok kumar - Added by moderator - We encourage op
WRX blank - SAP Community
Now system is takimg in both cases the account in OBYC WRX blank. Is it possible to distinquish it as it is require by FI? So if I do GR for PO w/o material master i will get clearing account X. If i confirm the service I will get clearing account Y. Regards. M.
GL Field required in MIGO for Movement type 261 | SAP Community
Afterwards I saved the MIGO. System posted accounting entry by debiting to Consumption Stores Spares A/c (which it picked from OBYC - GBB VBR setting). My business requirement says that "Consumption stores spares A/c" should not be debited. User should have option to enter GL in this case (when MIGO is against reservation).
OBYC Settings - SAP Community
Gurus, Does mvmt type have any impact in hitting a G/L accts when a material is being consumed.The system has to pick different G/L accts when i use 261 & it has to hit diff G/L acct when i copy &
Error related to a/c determination for scrap | SAP Community
For this material we made PO with a/c category and G/L a/c 58165000 and the cost centre here that G/L a/c hitting in GBB, but when we checked OBYC. we are not able find the a/c in GBB,VNG,7920 ..for FGgoods. Similarly for GBB,VNG,3000 .. for ROH type. So pl help us so that it will hit the concerned a/c correctly.
Account Assignment - Valuation Grouping Code | SAP Community
Hi all, Is it necessary to maintain valuation grouping code in OBYC. What happens if we don't maintain VGC ? Th
Account assignment for material type | SAP Community
Hello Experts, I have a few questions about account assignment. My client made a new material type and now they wants to assign G/L account as correct expense account for the new material type to post
LSMW Program - SAP Community
2009年4月30日 · The SAP Community migration is back on track, and the site is ready for final steps. You may already see new areas starting to appear. We are cautiously optimistic that we will launch the new platform on January 25.