Bending Moments in Slabs (shells) using SAP2000 - Eng-Tips
2013年3月31日 · I want to analyze the bending moments in a slab supported on walls using SAP2000. I know that the slab should be modeled as a shell and that the edges should be fixed to represent the stiff walls. When I run my model and look at the analysis I cannot find an option which reports the bending moments in the shell (for both x and y directions).
Acceleration load input in SAP2000 v16 - Eng-Tips
2013年8月28日 · Hello guys, Does anyone know what is the best way to input an acceleration load into SAP2000? My case is as below: I am checking the displacement of a structure if i applied an acceleration of (a = 4.25 m/s2) (knowing that an acceleration is equivalent to a horizontal force if multiplied by a...
Modeling of composite floor in SAP2000 - Eng-Tips
2018年5月30日 · As a material I've chosen concrete C30/37 defined in Materials (I'll attach my model in SAP2000 at the end of the post). This concrete's Weight per Unit Volume is defined as 0, because I've assigned all gravity loads, including dead load as Uniform Load(Shell to Frames)to my Area Section (slab).
Connection and meshing - Computers and Structures: SAP2000
2014年4月25日 · If you want to see how SAP2000 is distributing the load. Display> show forces> Frames > Axial. I recommend right clicking on the frame you're interested in and scroll through the different orientations (axial, Major, Minor directions) and that should show the external loads and the internal force in each direction.
Does SAP 2000 Design for Torsion - Eng-Tips
2003年3月31日 · As you probably know, torsion is always accounted for in analysis. For design, torsional strength and allowable torsional strength is automatically determined only for closed sections like pipes and tubes.. and that design check started in the newer steel design codes as I recall..I think starting with AISC 13th.
SAP2000 Shells Reinforcement Envelope 1 - Eng-Tips
2018年7月29日 · When you define an envelope load combination, SAP2000 calculates the reinforcement for the envelope forces, instead of the expected envelope of the reinforcement for all cases. The major problem is not that it could be overly conservative, but in some occasions it can miscalculate the results due to the fact of separating positive and negative ...
Modelling foundation piles in SAP2000 - Eng-Tips
2013年5月17日 · Hi everyone, I have a building project in hands in which is required to simulate several foundations conditions: 1 - Foundation slab among piles; 2 - Only Piles. My doubdt relies on the the best way to simulate those referred piles. Until …
SAP2000 Material Properties of Wood 1 - Eng-Tips
2017年10月31日 · I am modelling a wood truss in SAP2000, these are the material properties I used for wood: Local Axis 1: Longtiudinal Local Axis 2: Radial Local Axis 3: Tangential Define > Materials Check 'Show Advanced Properties' >Add New Material...>Material Type 'Other'>Material Name "SPF No.1/2"...
Sap2000 base reaction vs joint reaction - Eng-Tips
2017年5月23日 · thread801-230670 Answer: Response-spectrum base reactions will not match the sum of individual joint reactions because their formulations differ. Base reactions are calculated for each mode before modes are combined using the CQC or SRSS modal-combination rule. Joint reactions, on the other...
How to scale down a model in Sap2000? 1 - Eng-Tips
2009年9月14日 · Recently, I've been working on a concrete structure using Sap2000, the geometry of the structure was kind of hard, which I had to spend alot of time on it. Although I finished the analysis and design a few weeks ago, the architect changed the model by scaling down the whole model and reducing the dimensions to 70% of the original model.