Modeling of composite floor in SAP2000 - Eng-Tips
2018年5月30日 · As a material I've chosen concrete C30/37 defined in Materials (I'll attach my model in SAP2000 at the end of the post). This concrete's Weight per Unit Volume is defined …
Connection and meshing - Computers and Structures: SAP2000
2014年4月25日 · If you want to see how SAP2000 is distributing the load. Display> show forces> Frames > Axial. I recommend right clicking on the frame you're interested in and scroll through …
Bending Moments in Slabs (shells) using SAP2000 - Eng-Tips
2013年3月31日 · I want to analyze the bending moments in a slab supported on walls using SAP2000. I know that the slab should be modeled as a shell and that the edges should be …
Acceleration load input in SAP2000 v16 - Eng-Tips
2014年6月23日 · Hello guys, Does anyone know what is the best way to input an acceleration load into SAP2000? My case is as below: I am checking the displacement of a structure if i …
Does SAP 2000 Design for Torsion - Eng-Tips
2003年3月31日 · As you probably know, torsion is always accounted for in analysis. For design, torsional strength and allowable torsional strength is automatically determined only for closed …
SAP2000 Shells Reinforcement Envelope 1 - Eng-Tips
2018年7月29日 · When you define an envelope load combination, SAP2000 calculates the reinforcement for the envelope forces, instead of the expected envelope of the reinforcement …
Modelling foundation piles in SAP2000 - Eng-Tips
2013年5月17日 · Hi everyone, I have a building project in hands in which is required to simulate several foundations conditions: 1 - Foundation slab among piles; 2 - Only Piles. My doubdt …
SAP2000 v14 modeling (Measuring distance) 1 - Eng-Tips
2011年7月22日 · Hallo all! I need some halp with sap2000: I'm new in sap2000, how to measure distance between joints, or angle between 3 joint. In state of modeling it is necessary, for …
Buckling Analysis in SAP - Computers and Structures: SAP2000
2011年5月26日 · When you model for buckling in SAP2000, then even if sway is likely, make sure you have at least one intermediate node in the column. Just like ishvaag, I have tried many …
How to scale down a model in Sap2000? 1 - Eng-Tips
2009年9月14日 · Recently, I've been working on a concrete structure using Sap2000, the geometry of the structure was kind of hard, which I had to spend alot of time on it. Although I …