Stormartillerivagn m/43 - Wikipedia
Stormartillerivagn m/43 (Sav m/43) (English: Assault artillery carriage model 1943) was an assault gun based on Stridsvagn m/41 SII chassis, a Swedish development of a license-built Czechoslovak TNH light tank. The Sav m/43 was first armed with a 75 mm gun; later they were rearmed with a 105 mm m/44 gun. [1]
Sav m/43 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Stormartillerivagn m/43 (突擊火炮載具1943型),簡稱 Sav m/43,是一款瑞典於二戰期間研發的突擊炮。 該車使用 Strv m/41 (英语:Strv m/41),一種 38 (t) 輕型坦克的改進型(瑞典此前已獲得38 (t)的生產許可)的底盤。
Stormartillerivagn m/43 - Tank Encyclopedia
2016年9月9日 · The Sav m/43 was powered by a Scania-Vabis 603/2 in line 6-cylinder water cooled over head valve engine that produced 162 hp. It had a maximum road speed of 28mph …
Sav m/43 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
Stormartillerivagn m/43 (突擊火炮載具1943型),簡稱 Sav m/43,是一款瑞典於二戰期間研發的突擊炮。 該車使用 Strv m/41 (英語:Strv m/41),一種 38 (t) 輕型坦克的改進型(瑞典此前已獲得38 (t)的生產許可)的底盤。
坦克否 火炮否——SAVM/43突击炮 - 哔哩哔哩
2021年8月29日 · 而此时,博福斯公司又研制出威力更大的新型Sak m/44~105毫米榴弹炮,斯堪尼亚-巴比斯公司又将18辆Strvm/41轻型坦克全部换装该炮。 据悉Say m/43突击炮共生产了36辆。 Sav m/43从第二次世界大战结束后就应开始退役,但至1959年在瑞典军队中依然能见到 …
Stormartillerivagn m/43 – Wikipedia
Stormartillerivagn m/43, kort sav m/43, var en svenskkonstruerad stormartillerivagn för indirekt och direkt eldunderstöd åt infanteri som baserades på chassit av stridsvagn m/41.
Sav m/43 (1944) | War Thunder Wiki
The Sav m/43 (1944) was an assault gun vehicle based on the chassis of the Strv m/41. Similar to the German StuG III, they removed the turret and built a casemate to be able to equip a more powerful gun than the previous 37 mm Kan m/38 for its intended p…
北欧装甲传奇(十五)——瑞典自行火炮发展史(二) - 知乎
2021年1月3日 · 二战期间,瑞典曾经制造过一款名为Sav m/43的突击炮,但该车属于炮兵部队,不会跟随步兵参与一线战斗。 50年代初,瑞典军方招标一款新武器。
瑞系1.7权重Sav m/43(1944型)自行突击炮,上期 - 网易
2024年11月27日 · 瑞系Strormartillerivagn m/43(1944)是一种基于Strv m/41底盘的突击炮车,战斗权重为1.7,在1.97更新“维京之怒”中引入。 1940年3月瑞典从ČKD订购了约90辆TNH坦克(德国称为Panzer 38(T)),但当时占领捷克斯洛伐克的德国没收了这些坦克,瑞典表示仍然需要,于是经过谈判,瑞典制造商斯堪尼亚-瓦比斯获准许可生产这些坦克,并获得了赔偿。 之后的1941年6月,瑞典订购了116辆Strv m/41 SI,1942年6月瑞典订购了122辆Strv m/41 SII。 同 …
【战争雷霆载具资料】Sav M/43 1944型自行突击炮 - 哔哩哔哩
优点:主炮威力较大,前部防护较好。 缺点:侧后装甲防护较差。 建议用法:远距离狙击,近距离作战,平原野战,山地战,巷战。 避免用法:无不适用法。
Sav m/43 | Weapons Parade Sav m/43 self propelled assault gun.
The Stormartillerivagn m/43 or Sav m/43 began its development in 1941, when the Swedish Army requested a powerful armed vehicle that would give fire support to infantry in its advance.
Sav m/43 - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
The Sav m/43 is a Swedish tier 4 tank destroyer. Swedish assault SPG. The vehicle was developed in 1941–1944. In March of 1944, Scania-Vabis received an order for the production of 36 vehicles. The first 18 vehicles were re-equipped from the Strv m/41 SII.
Sav m/43 (1944) - War Thunder Wiki
The Sav M/43 was a casemate assault gun made by removing the turret of the Strv M/41, and adding a casemate superstructure, initially housing a 75 mm gun. The 75 mm gun was replaced by a 105 mm M/44 Bofors cannon.
Sav m/43:評論、特性、比較 - WoT Asia
Sav m/43 影片評論涵蓋了主要車輛特性及其戰鬥表現。
Sav m/43 - Equipment, Mastery requirements, WN8 target …
Sav m/43 Tier 4 Swedish assault SPG. The vehicle was developed in 1941–1944. In March of 1944, Scania-Vabis received an order for the production of 36 vehicles. The first 18 vehicles were re-equipped from the Strv m/41 SII. Initially, the SPG was equipped with a 75-mm gun, but in March of 1946, all vehicles were re-equipped with a 105-mm gun.
Stormartillerivagn m/43 | Military Wiki | Fandom
Stormartillerivagn m/43 (Sav m/43) (English: Assault artillery carriage model 1943) was an assault gun based on Stridsvagn m/41 SII chassis, a Swedish development of a license-built Czechoslovak TNH medium tank. The Sav m/43 was first armed with a 75 mm gun; later they were rearmed with a 105 mm...
Swedish Assault guns: Sav m/43 & Stormartilleripjäs fm/43-44
2018年12月8日 · The Sav m/43 was a WW 2 era assault gun that served with the Swedish armed forces between 1945 and 1973. In total of 36 were built during 1944-47 by Scania-Vabis. These vehicles were initially equipped with short 75 mm guns but all vehicles were retrofitted with 105 mm guns in 1946.
Swedish Tanks – Part VI: Sav m/43 | For the Record - Wot …
2014年4月8日 · The Sav m/43 and its derivates are perfect candidates for low-mid tier tank destroyers. Given its weak side armor and the lackluster penetration of its main gun (as well as being outmatched by the Hetzer in every category at tier 4), I think that the Sav m/43 should be the Swedish tier 3 TD.
Saving Private Ryan: Sav m/43 - sproe.com
2009年4月24日 · The Stormartillerivgan m/43 assault gun was built by Scania-Vabis and was based on the chassis of the Panzerkampfwagen 38 (t) tank, the same chassis used for the Marder III tank destroyer. Only 36 Sav m/43s were constructed, and they remained in service with the Swedish Army until 1974.
瑞典Sav m/43突击炮 - 哔哩哔哩
在战争雷霆中,将有两个版本的SAV M / 43可供玩家使用:1944年的75mm火炮版本和1946年装备105mm火炮的版本。 SAV M / 43的105mm版本可以有效击穿二战时期的轻中型坦克。
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