California Senate Bill 35 (2017) - Wikipedia
California Senate Bill 35 (SB 35) is a statute streamlining housing construction in California counties and cities that fail to build enough housing to meet state mandated housing …
Chapter 366, Statutes of 2017 (SB 35, Wiener) was part of a 15-bill housing package aimed at addressing the state’s housing shortage and high housing costs. Specifically, it requires the …
SB 35 Streamlining is the City of Los Angeles’ implementation program required by SB 35 (2017). Effective at the start of 2018, the law requires that certain affordable housing developments be …
Understanding California’s SB 35: Streamlined Housing Approval
2024年12月27日 · Explore how California's SB 35 aims to simplify housing approvals, its effects on zoning, and the challenges it faces in implementation. California’s SB 35 is a legislative …
SB 35 Explained: What Does the State’s Affordable Housing Law …
2021年12月23日 · SB 35 was one of 15 housing bills signed by Gov. Jerry Brown in September of 2017. Others included a real-estate transaction fee of $75 per sale that would go toward …
SB 35 requires local entities to streamline the approval by providing a ministerial process through which a project is only reviewed against objective standards.
Senate Bill (SB) 35 established a streamlined ministerial approval process for certain multifamily housing development projects that meet the criteria outlined in Government Code Section …
SB 35 streamlining, as indicated on the following pages. For more detail on the proration methodology or background data see the SB 35 Determination Methodology.
WHAT IS SB35 AFFORDABLE HOUSING STREAMLINED APPROVAL? SB-35 allows qualifying development projects with certain minimum affordable housing guarantees to move more …
These 220 jurisdictions have insufficient progress toward their Lower income RHNA (Very Low and Low income) and are therefore subject to the streamlined ministerial approval process (SB …