Pretrial Release: Risk Assessment Tools (SB 36)
Under Senate Bill 36 (SB 36), the Judicial Council is required to publish an annual report with data related to outcomes and potential biases in pretrial release for pretrial programs funded by the state to perform risk assessments.
2023年7月25日 · Senate Bill 36 (SB) enacted tool validation and transparency requirements for all pretrial services agencies in California using a pretrial risk assessment tool. The Judicial Council also has annual reporting requirements pursuant to SB 36 for the pilot courts and other pretrial services agencies
GA SB36 | 2025-2026 | Regular Session - LegiScan
2025年3月4日 · A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Title 50 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to state government, so as to provide for the preservation of religious freedom; to provide for the granting of relief; to provide for definitions; to provide for construction; to provide for statutory interpretation; to provide for a short title; ...
Bill Text: CA SB36 | 2019-2020 | Regular Session - LegiScan
SB 36, Hertzberg. Pretrial release: risk assessment tools. Existing law, beginning October 1, 2019, and stayed pending voter approval under the powers of referendum pursuant to the California Constitution, requires Pretrial Assessment Services, as defined, to assess a person arrested or detained, as specified, according to a risk assessment ...
提升聲音與居家質感的迷人小物-Jamo Studio SB 36 soundbar
這次評測的主角——Jamo Studio SB 36 soundbar,正是該廠旗下入門級soundbar產品。 Jamo旗下目前共有兩款soundbar,除了SB 36外,上面還有一款SB 40。 這兩款soundbar本體外觀大致相仿,不過SB 36寬度36英吋(這也正是 SB 36型號中數字的意義),比寬度40英吋的SB 40略短,而且SB 36也沒有像SB 40一樣具有無線連接的分離是超低音,因此SB 36可以說是極為輕巧的入門級soundbar。 Jamo雖然再2005年為Klipsch集團所收購,但是在設計上還是承襲北歐的極 …
SB 36: Out-of-state criminal charges: prosecution related to …
2024年2月1日 · SB 36: Out-of-state criminal charges: prosecution related to abortion, contraception, reproductive care, and gender-affirming care. Session Year: 2023-2024; House: Senate
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2019年8月4日 · 之前有比較過其他廠牌單件式SOUNDBAR,考量到預算問題,JAMO SB36最符合我的需求,不論外型還是聲音都具有獨特的魅力,重點是cp值真的很高! 考慮到房間整個色彩的搭配,我選擇的是紗線編織黑。 接下來就容我為大家介紹這組Jamo SB36吧!!
SB 36: Price gouging: state of emergency. | Digital Democracy
2025年2月24日 · Digital Democracy overview of bill SB 36: Price gouging: state of emergency. Bills. Share . SB 36: Price gouging: state of emergency. Session Year: 2025-2026; House: Senate; Current Status: In Progress (2025-02-24: From committee with author's amendments. Read second time and amended. Re-referred to Com. on RLS.)
Senate Bill 36 (Hertzberg; Stats. 2019, ch. 589) established tool validation and additional annual reporting requirements for pretrial services agencies using a pretrial risk assessment tool; these requirements are mandatory for all pilot projects. This report meets the reporting requirements outlined in SB 36. The
Senate Bill 36 Is A Way To Justify Discrimination
6 天之前 · What is SB 36? In previous years, state legislators have failed to pass a so-called Religious Freedom Restoration Act, aka RFRA. Like those versions, the current bill is framed as an expansion and protection of religious rights, but in reality, it could be used to deny rights to gay people and many others. Supporters will likely use it as a ...
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