Everything you need to know about Wolf River Coils antennas.
2020年9月29日 · I have a SB-1000 and 102" whip mounted on my truck. It has been there for over 2 years now and I spend a lot of time off road in the trees. I have successfully bent the mount several times and the coil looks as it did when I bought it from them. I also have the smaller 40-6 coil that I have not yet used.
Everything you need to know about Wolf River Coils antennas.
2020年8月31日 · Used the same SB-1000 TIA in my portable man pack then mobile for several years now in my go kit. I have put mine thru some good Michigan winters. Built like a tank so not sure how one could break a SCH-40 PVC with out running it over with a tank
A Budget Friendly, Yet Superb Quality Vertical Antenna! - QRZ …
2017年8月4日 · Testing out the Wolf River Coil Silver Bullet 1000 with the MFJ-1979 as a ground mounted vertical antenna. (using 4 radials, 2-16', 2-32') (Any whip can generally be used - I prefer the MFJ-1979 due to its flexibility & compact size)
Everything you need to know about Wolf River Coils antennas.
2020年8月31日 · I purchased the Platinum version of the SB-1000 coil and TIA kit. The Platinum version can handle LOTS of power, hundreds of watts SSB and 100 watts digital. It feels like it might be a ceramic coil form. That would explain it. @W5WTR - Regarding loss of contact with the company, the main employee had a medical issue and they were
Yaesu FT-991a Review/Overview/Demo | Page 3 | QRZ Forums
2017年8月19日 · And i have a lot more room on my desk as well, the Heathkit SB 1000 works just as fine with it. 2 and 70 work better as with the already hot receiver from the FT 847, I'm used to Yaesu menu's programmed the fields i use most in the …
Everything you need to know about Wolf River Coils antennas.
2020年8月31日 · I have had both. I sold my Buddistick antenna. I could never get it tuned right, even with a RigExpert to help me. I bought the WRC and have been very happy. I have both the SB1000 and the SB Mini. I use the Mini on 40 and the SB on 20 with excellent SWR results. I would point out that the radials are key to getting a good SWR.
Everything you need to know about Wolf River Coils antennas.
2020年8月31日 · A ground stake mount works alot better. Tripod isnt reliable. You will end up with a bent or broken something... Chameleon or super antenna sells...
Yaesu FT-991A Unboxing + On-Air Tests - QRZ Forums
2019年5月4日 · I will go over the 7 reasons why I chose the Yaesu FT-991A in this video. I just bought my very first HF Radio! You would think it would be an easy and stress free decision, BUT, there is some tough competition. My budget was around $1,000 +/- a few hundred. The Icom IC-7300 is a beautiful radio and that was my runner up.
Issue #4 - Tuning Up a Kilowatt - QRZ Forums
2022年12月12日 · LDG 1000 ( I have a 600Pro and used a RT 600 for years ) has a max of about 250W . Your tuner has a higher risk of failure if you are matching difficult loads - for example a short ( less than quarter wave ) wire on 80 or 160 M. I use a MFJ 998RT at the feedpoint of my antenna. Many of the 100W auto tuners will only tolerate 25 W of FT8.
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1534 - QRZ Forums
2021年10月3日 · equipment will be a FT-450D or FT857 with a JUMA 1000 watt amp into HF6V Butternut vertical for the HF bands and a link dipole. QSL via M0OXO's OQRS or direct. 8Q, MALDIVES. Tommy, DL8KX, along with his YL, will be on holiday from North Male Atoll (AS-013) between now and October 11th. He will be using