GitHub - VirtusLab/scg-cli: scg-cli is a CLI tool for Semantic Code ...
The scg-cli tool extracts semantic information about code structure and dependencies from the Java and Scala projects, and structures it as a Semantic Code Graph, an information model underlying scg-cli. The information is written into a portable, open protobuf-based format.
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Releases · VirtusLab/scg-cli - GitHub
Dec 31, 2023 · First public release with basic scg-cli functionality to enable Software Comprehension and analysis for Java and Scala projects. Usage: scg-cli [COMMAND] CLI to analyse projects based on SCG data Commands: help Display help information about the specified command.
上海建工 - scg.com.cn
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SMILE CORPORATE GROUP SARL conçoit, développe et réalise des projets informatiques selon le besoin. Nous commercialisons aussi du matériel informatique et du matériel de bureau.
什么是scg devops • Worktile社区
Mar 26, 2024 · SCG DevOps作为现代软件开发及运营的核心理念,其主旨在于通过持续集成(CI)与持续交付(CD)的实践方法,实现软件开发生命周期中的自动化与优化。
GitHub - wangbo-zhao/2021TIP-SCG: The code for SCG: Saliency …
We provide the pretrained models for SCG and SCG* in Google Drive and Baidu Drive(vi0x). Please put the pretrained model in ./tools/.
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