2017年美国阴道镜和子宫颈病理学会阴道镜检查标准解读 - 美国阴 …
2019年10月12日 · 美国阴道镜和子宫颈病理学会 (The American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology,ASCCP)专家组认为导致这些限制的主要因素包括: (1)缺乏标准化阴道镜术语。 (2)缺乏对阴道镜实践和步骤的指南建议。 (3)缺乏质量保证措施。 有鉴于此,自2015年1月起,ASCCP与美国国家癌症研究所 (NCI)在阴道镜术语、基于风险的阴道镜检查以及阴道镜检查程序这3个领域制定了美国阴道镜检查标准。
Location of lesions: clock position, location in relation to the SCJ, whether or not lesion is fully visualized, satellite lesions
ASCCP Colposcopy Standards: Role of Colposcopy, Benefits, Po ... - LWW
Recognizing the limitations of current colposcopy approaches in the United States, the American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (ASCCP), in collaboration with investigators from the US National Cancer Institute, set out to review evidence and develop recommendations for colposcopy practice in the United States. 3.
The transformation zone is located outside of the squamocolumnar junction (SCJ), between the original SCJ (usually not visible on colposcopy) and the current SCJ (Figure 1). The cytology report comments on both the presence of cells from the transformation zone or …
asccp 指南对于宫颈细胞学高级别病变的初始管 理允许在初始阴道镜检查时,如果评估确认为高 “级别病变即查即治,可以立即进行诊断性切除手术”(see-and-treat)的切除方法有可能提
Colposcopy Standards: Guidelines for Endocervical Curettage at ...
For nonpregnant patients, the 2006 guidelines state that ECC is preferred for individuals with abnormal cervical cancer screening results when colposcopy shows no lesion and when the squamocolumnar junction (SCJ) is not entirely visible, but ECC is acceptable in all cases.
2017 年美国 ASCCP 阴道镜检查在宫颈癌预防中的共识建议 - 丁香园
2017年10月25日 · ASCCP 用于阴道镜实践的标准化术语. 根据 2011 年 IFCPC 发布的阴道镜术语,对包括鳞柱交界(SCJ)评估在内的阴道镜检查的一般评估历来被描述为:令人满意/不满意或充分/不充分,ASCCP 认为这种描述是模糊的,可能在临床环境中被患者误解。 ASCCP 共识在 IFCPC 术语的基础上,对宫颈的一般评估进行了修改,主要区别见下表。 2017 ASCCP 与 2011 IFCPC 术语描述的主要区别. 不建议使用 TZ 类型 1,2,3,因为文献综述表明临床医生对 TZ …
2024 ASCCP指南:阴道镜检查标准:阴道镜检查宫颈内刮除术
近期有研究表明,轻微细胞学异常的女性进行高危HPV检测后,使用HPV 16和18型测试作为第二次筛选试验,可以帮助确定是否有必要进行阴道镜检查。 来自布鲁塞尔公共卫生科学机构的Marc Arbyn博士说:“轻微细胞学异常包括无明确意义的非典型鳞状细胞 (ASC-US)或低度鳞状上皮内病变 (LSIL),这些情况只会轻度增加宫颈癌风险。 由于HPV 16和18型导致了约70%的宫颈癌,如果能将这两个. 美国阴道镜检查和宫颈病理学会 (ASCCP)近日公布宫颈癌筛查和癌前病变管理共 …
ASCCP released the 2019 guidelines for managing abnormal cervical can-cer screening tests and cancer precur-sors, which call for a complete shift to risk-based decision-making based
Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease - LWW
In 2006, the American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (ASCCP) first developed US consensus guidelines for performing ECC. 1 These guidelines stated that ECC is contraindicated in pregnancy because of the risk of injury to membranes or the placenta.
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