SCP-1004 - SCP Foundation
2023年4月6日 · SCP-1004 appears to spread through the use of electronic messages, sent seemingly at random. Messages generally claim to have certain celebrities performing sexual acts, or to have certain depraved acts on tape that are illegal in many jurisdictions.
SCP-1043 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月21日 · Description: SCP-1043 refers to approximately 31 134 sacks, labeled "MOLISOLUS MARK III" and numbers "I" to "V" in large red lettering. On the lower right corner of each sack is a green stamp detailing a winged arm holding a hammer, and the designation "APOLLODORUS CONSTRUCTION COMBINE".
SCP-1003 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-1003-1 is an adult tapeworm of the species Echinococcus granulosus, known for causing hydatid disease. Like others of its species, SCP-1003-1 inhabits the small intestines of carnivores (typically canids), where it produces eggs that are passed in the host's faeces. The eggs can survive up to years in the outside environment.
Tapeworm Child SCP-1003 - YouTube
SCP 1003 -1 is an adult tapeworm of the species Echinococcus granulosus, known for causing hydatid disease. Like others of its species, SCP1003 -1 inhabits the small intestines of carnivores...
SCP-3043: Murphy Law in... Type 3043 - FOR MURDER!
2017年9月12日 · The Short Version: SCP-3043 is a 1937 Olympia Elite Typewriter, formerly stored in a secure locker at Site-95. It’s anomalous property was that it had the ability to rewrite any story that contained it.
SCP-343 - 百度百科
scp-343「神」是网络共笔怪谈文学《 scp基金会 》系列中的角色之一。来历不明的老人,自愿被基金会收容。拥有较强的 现实扭曲 能力,自称是这个宇宙的创造者。scp-343没有表现出危险性,因此基金会的员工可以自由进出其收容间。
SCP-003 | SCP基金会 Wiki | Fandom
SCP-003-1由甲壳质、毛发及甲状物组成,无一具有已知生物学特征,排布成类似计算机母板的结构。 检测表明,SCP-003-1要先于最早的已知电路板数千年。 SCP-003-1被认定有感知力,但除非被置于某些条件之下,否则不具危险性。 SCP-003-1被发现于一块石碑,SCP-003-2上,而SCP-003-1现栖息在其上。 SCP-003-2上的符文不属于任何已知的文字,并会发出苍白,闪烁的亮光。 SCP-003-2由一台(非生物性)内部计算器所操控,其内容几乎无法在不损坏SCP-003-2的情 …
SCP-1043 | Wiki La Fundación SCP | Fandom
Descripción: SCP-1043 se refiere a aproximadamente 31 134 sacos, etiquetados como "MOLISOLUS MARK III" y los números "I" a "V" en letras rojas grandes. En la esquina inferior derecha de cada saco hay un sello verde con un brazo alado que sostiene un martillo y la designación "APOLLODORUS CONSTRUCTION COMBINE".
SCP-1043 - La Fundación SCP
Ítem #: SCP-1043. Clasificación del Objeto: Euclid. Procedimientos Especiales de Contención: SCP-1043 debe ser mantenido dentro de una sala de contención en la Unidad de Almacenamiento 9 en el Sitio-33. La humedad del aire dentro de la unidad de contención no debe exceder el 5% para evitar la hidratación de SCP-1043, así como una posible ...
浅谈10043:针对特定学校的留美禁令 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
什么是10043? 10043是特朗普颁布的总统令,主要内容是拒绝为特定八所学校(国防七子+北邮)的留美学生提供 f签证 。它在2020年被正式颁布,至今仍然没有松动的迹象。 一句话描述可能不够具体,让我再补充一些细节: 1. 不存在任何漏网之鱼。
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