SCP-1111 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-1111-1 is an entity with an appearance similar to that of Canis familiaris, commonly known as the domestic dog. The size of SCP-1111-1 varies with its distance from SCP-1111-2; directly beneath it, SCP-1111-1 is approximately 150 cm from ground to shoulders.
111111 - SCP基金會中文沙盒站
项目编号:SCP-CN-XXXX. 项目等级:Keter. 特殊收容措施:SCP-CN-XXXX应保存于一间5m x 5m x5m的真空房间内。全天应有两名受过专业训练反摸因训练的警卫看守。任何摄像部或装置不得存在收容室内。观察到或受到SCP-CN-XXXX的影响人员将被就地处决。残骸需要隔离。
SCP-1111 - 百度百科
SCP-1111「白犬」是网络共笔怪谈体系《SCP基金会》中的超自然生物。 一只白色 犬科动物 和一个吊树上的男子,男子虽然被吊着却一直保持生命。 由于白犬的守卫,没人能活着到达上吊男子50米以内。 白犬战力高强,基金会无法强行捕获。 特殊收容措施. 一个限制区已经在SCP-1111-2为中心的半径2km的范围内建立,在一份已发表的公开声明中表示该区域将建成一个天气监控站。 摄像器被悬吊在气象气球下,持续的监视这片的区域。 个人没有得到4级或更高研究员的详细 …
SCP-1111 - The White Dog (SCP Animation) - YouTube
SCP-1111-1 possesses a white coat and red eyes, both of which glow at luminosities directly proportional to its proximity to SCP-1111-2. At distances greater than 500 m from SCP-1111-2,...
SCP-1111-1 | Villains Wiki | Fandom
SCP-1111-1, also referred to as The White Dog, is a supporting antagonist in SCP Foundation series. It is an entity that looks like a domestic dog, though what it really is is unknown. It is paired with SCP-1111-2, the person it tries to protect, with both of them collectively referred to as...
SCP-1111 - The White Dog | Reading - YouTube
2019年12月7日 · The SCP foundation secures anomalous objects, entities, individuals and locations for study and protection. SCP-1111 is one such SCP that said foundation cur...
SCP-1111 - SCP財団
scp-1111-1は白い毛並と赤い目を持ち、ともにscp-1111-2との距離に正比例した光度で輝きます。 SCP-1111-2との距離が500mを超えると、SCP-1111-1は徐々に半透明になっていきます。
SCP-1111 - The White Dog - YouTube
2017年12月11日 · Binge all my SCP videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dVkfeubghM&list=PLOKy7ockmmpZyO8Fe06mQRqjypydyHBFQ&index=1Support me and get exclusive extras on Pa...
SCP-1111 | The SCP Articles Wiki | Fandom
SCP-1111-1 is an entity with an appearance similar to that of Canis familiaris, commonly known as the domestic dog. The size of SCP-1111-1 varies with its distance from SCP-1111-2; directly beneath it, SCP-1111-1 is approximately 150 cm from ground to shoulders.
SCP-1111-J - SCP Foundation
2023年12月21日 · Description: SCP-1111-J is a [BRAND REDACTED] computer which has never experienced a recorded fault of any sort, and which maintains the actual computing power it was advertised as having. It was discovered when computers in a …
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