SCP-132 - SCP Foundation
2022年9月30日 · Description: SCP-132 takes the form of a series of glass tetrahedrons, each with a side length of 10.3 centimeters. Each instance of SCP-132 appears to contain a patch of desert sand. Occasionally scorpions and other desert creatures enter the confines of an instance of SCP-132 as if it were a continuous piece of desert.
SCP-132 - SCP基金会
事故记录132-01:R 博士,目前驻扎在Area- ,报告说将SCP-132-71从她的桌子上打落在地。在撞击地面时,SCP-132-71破碎了,并且R 的办公室遭受了猛烈强风的冲击。
SCP-132 - 破碎沙漠 - SCP基金會
描述:scp-132是共 個的一系列玻璃正四面體,每個正四面體的邊長都是10.3公分。scp-132的每個實體內部都包含一片沙漠的沙子。偶爾會有蠍子或其他沙漠生物會進入scp-132的邊界內部,宛如它屬於一片連續的沙漠。
SCP-132-ARC - SCP Foundation
2024年4月23日 · SCP-132 is to be accessed once every six (6) hours for nutritional sustenance and observation. SCP-132 is permitted to deny and therefore postpone up to two (2) tests in a 24-hour span. SCP-132 is permitted to temporarily leave special containment procedures under supervision of a single Level 1+ personnel.
SCP-132 - 破碎沙漠 - 哔哩哔哩
描述:SCP-132的外形是一套 个玻璃正四面体,每个边长10.3厘米。 每个SCP-132的实例似乎都包含了一小片沙漠。 偶尔会有蝎子和其他沙漠生物进入一个SCP-132的实例中,就好像SCP-132是一个连续的沙漠中的一块。 SCP-132中的生物似乎没有意识到任何外界物体的存在,并且试图影响SCP-132内部区域的尝试失败了。 对于在SCP-132中观察到的动物的检查显示出了不一致性。 相互靠近的实例中出现的群落是内部一致的,并且被证实显示了每个主要沙漠中的区域。 没有 …
SCP-132-ARC - SCP基金会
scp-132具有一个普通人的所有基本需求:食物、饮水、睡眠等。scp-132被诊断出患有食道消化溃疡,但其他方面完全健康。 当成功将scp-132与其他人隔离后,进行情绪愉快化处理。然而,当有其他人员直接在场时,scp-132将累计获得那些人目前的正面或负面意向。
Description: SCP-132 takes the form of a series of glass tetrahedrons, each with a side length of 10.3 centimeters. Each instance of SCP-132 appears to contain a patch of desert sand. Occasionally scorpions and other desert creatures enter the confines of an instance of SCP-132 as if it were a continuous piece of desert.
Scp 132 | Fan Made SCP’s Wiki | Fandom
Scp 132, also known as tree kingdom reassembles a typical oak tree, except it has many more branches than any oak, a lot more, if you look at these branches, you will notice they fade into a different plant, this is due to the tree having one of every species of plant, including non-tree plants and even extinct plants, on each branch, the ...
SCP-132-ARC - NamuWiki
2022年12月16日 · SCP-132 is a seemingly normal Palauan human female, except for a peptic ulcer in her esophagus, in perfect health, of average intelligence, and bilingual. She prefers to be referred to by her own name, "Dolores", instead of her SCP classification number.
SCP-132-JP - SCP International - Wikidot
SCP-132-JP-2 consists of the same dye present on the medium before their appearance, and bear resemblance to the characters "ゅ" or "ゆ". If there are multiple letters written in different dyes or styles on a single sheet of paper, one of them will be selected at random.