SCP-1628 - SCP Foundation
The entrance to SCP-1628 is located in an abandoned salt mine, approximately 400 meters below ground, with subjects entering a storage tunnel emerging from the reproduction of the Washington Monument. SCP-1628 appears to be in a perpetual night, possibly due to its location.
SCP-1628 - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-1628是一个真人大小,未知时间的华盛顿哥伦比亚特区复制模型。 它不按照真实比例复制,不仅很多历史性建筑都全部集中在中央,而且大多数其它的建筑都是涂了色的木块。 在历史上十分重要的建筑(如白宫和国会大厦)都是用黄铜制成的。 SCP-1628的入口位于一个废弃的盐矿,所处深度约400米,由连接到华盛顿纪念碑的储藏隧道进入。 SCP-1628似乎永远是黑夜,也许跟所处位置有关。 自从1998年11月15日以来,没有任何天体在SCP-1628出现。 见事 …
SCP Foundation: SCP-1628
No excavation is to be attempted within 130 days of the last known SCP-1628 activity. In the event that excavation of SCP-1628 becomes unfeasible, it is to be declared neutralized and the containment procedures revised. Description: SCP-1628 is a life-sized model of Washington D.C as it appeared at an unknown time.
SCP-1628 - Складской туннель №12
1998年11月15日 · Описание: SCP-1628 представляет собой модель города Вашингтон в натуральную величину, появившуюся в неустановленное время. Масштаб модели не соблюдён, многие исторически значимые здания сгруппированы в центре, а большая часть других сооружений представляет собой крашеные деревянные блоки.
SCP-1628 │ Storage Tunnel #1812 │ Euclid │ Autonomous/Structure SCP
2024年9月1日 · Video Info ! Item #: SCP-1628 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Area-1628 has been set up to contain SCP-1628's entrance, constructed under the pretense of a Foundation...
SCP-1628 Storage Tunnel - Largo Reacts - YouTube
2024年12月10日 · SCP-1628 is a neat anomaly located in an old tunnel. Lets try and figure out exactly what it is! ?...
SCP-1628 "Storage Tunnel #1812" [SCP Wikidot] - YouTube
Originally uploaded: 09-04-2019AttenSHUN.Article by "Roget".https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1628https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/Main Channel: https://www.youtu...
SCP-1628 | Wiki Fundação SCP | Fandom
A entrada para SCP-1628 está localizada em uma mina de sal abandonada, a aproximadamente 400 metros abaixo do solo, com indivíduos entrando em um túnel de armazenamento emergindo da reprodução do Monumento a Washington. SCP-1628 parece estar em uma noite perpétua, possivelmente devido à sua localização.
SCP-1628 - SCP財団
SCP-CN-1628 - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-CN-1628是一种影响胆囊的异常效应,仅发生在罹患牙龈出血或拔除智齿的个体身上。 对象在受影响期间无法通过体内成像技术对其异常影响进行观察,任何进入对象胆囊内的组织均完全消失。
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