Can someone explain SCP 1730? : r/SCP - Reddit
SCP-1730 is an homage to the detailed exploration logs of Series I articles such as 093 and 087, but done in a beautifully executed, clean style. It also took me like three rereads to get it. I feel you. Much like the article, this explanation will be long, …
SCP-1730: What Happened to Site-13? (UPDATED) : …
2018年6月6日 · The additions to SCP-1730 changed the piece considerably. And whether those changes have been good or bad has been a matter up for much debate. But the new version of SCP-1730 has added an admirable amount of worldbuilding and imagination to the SCP wiki. It gave Samsara a place to stand as a usable MTF outside of its original story.
A Question About an Entity From SCP-1730, aka Site-13. : r/SCP
2020年8月23日 · 🤷 SCP-1730 What Happened to Site-13? | explanation | illustrated Kinetoglyphs, or kinetohazards, are mental and physical hazards that occur when an entity performs specific gestures and motions that interact with multiple spatial dimensions simultaneously, often with disastrous consequences.
SCP-1730 game concept? : r/SCP - Reddit
2023年5月3日 · Obviously this would be really complicated but I feel like it'd make for a really compelling SCP game that would be a truly immersive experience and really set the bar for SCP-based games, especially since so many focus on MTFs that have guns and are hunting down already known and classified SCPs.
How long have survivors of Site-13 stayed inside the site? (SCP …
2022年8月7日 · I am quite the big fan of this SCP, and I have spend some time researching the survivors of Site-13. What was never fully answered was, "How long have they been there?" By the dates in the file, it is arround 470 days in between the Foundation getting Dr. Scott's message and the extraction.
What's up with Bobble the Clown in 1730? : r/SCP - Reddit
2022年9月5日 · In SCP 1730, Bobble is shown to help the various teams. At one point, just offering advice to them. Later, shown to actively help them by opening a door via electronics. Bobble just tells children to murder and eat people, why would he care? Ik he hates Emerson, but I don't see why he would actively help Samsara or the other teams.
Regarding SCP-1730 and Malidramagiuan : r/SCP - Reddit
2018年4月4日 · It's one of my favourite in-universe entities and the meaning of its name has been plaguing me since I read 1730. In a similar manner, SCP-179 has the name "Sauelsuesor" which is a slight alteration on a Proto-Indo-European language that translates as "Sun Sister", however finding that translation is rather difficult.
Explanation for the "Writer" in SCP-1730? : r/SCP - Reddit
I recently watched a certain Confinement special and saw his image from SCP-1730. However, I am only interested in the "writer" depicted in the image, not the full convoluted history of Site 13. Could someone please explain to me the "mushroom" fellow?
What is SCP-1730? : r/SCP - Reddit
2019年3月10日 · r/SCPDeclassified SCP-1730: What Happened to Site-13? explanation It also took me like three rereads to get it. I feel you. Much like the article, this explanation will be long, winding, but ultimately rewarding. Let's get right into it.
Any SCP's about the black liquid inside 1730? : r/SCP - Reddit
2018年3月14日 · 🤷 SCP-1730 What Happened to Site-13? by djkaktus | explanation by modulum83 | audio adaptation by Eastside Show SCP AP-3 Vigo: Ross, look. It’s not a void, it’s a liquid. It’s just not reflecting light, like, at all. It’s pitch black. [