SCP-1736 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月21日 · Description: SCP-1736-1 and SCP-1736-2 designate two classes of human beings who share related and/or complementary anomalous beliefs, behaviors and properties. All instances of SCP-1736-1 and SCP-1736-2 share a common religion that bears strong similarities to [REDACTED].
SCP-1736 - SCP基金会
SCP-1736-1的生命迹象将被持续远程监控,任何生命威胁变化都将触发全站级代号-1736-橙色警报直至SCP-1736-1被稳定或死亡。 SCP-1736-1的死亡将触发全基金会级代号-1736-深红警报直至SCP-1736-1被再次收容。
SCP-1736 | Villains Wiki | Fandom
SCP-1736, also known as the Voice of the Light, is a hostile organization in the SCP Foundation series. They are a small but formidable cult that is comprised of individuals brainwashed by He-Who-Made-Light. Members seek to engulf the world …
SCP-1736 | The SCP Articles Wiki | Fandom
Item Number: SCP-1736 Object Class: Keter Codename: Voice of the Light SCP-1736-1 is to be sedated and kept in a radiation-shielded containment cell. SCP-1736-1 must be kept restrained at all times, and nutrition and hydration shall be administered intravenously. No lights …
SCP-1736 | SCP Foundation Wikia | Fandom
SCP-1736 is a Keter class object in Series I written by S. Andrew Swann, and a part of the "He Who Made Dark" and "He Who Made Light" mini-canons. SCP-1736 concerns a religious cult devoted to the preaching and worship of the deific entity known as "He Who Made Light".
SCP-1735-JP - SCP基金会
SCP-1735-JP具有与人免疫缺陷病毒类似的参与转录调节的TAT蛋白,其通过TAT蛋白的细胞膜通透性打开或关闭接触到的细胞的细胞膜,随后侵入并感染其内部。 项目不存在选择性,可以无差别地感染宿主体内任何细胞。 感染后,SCP-1735-JP将逆转录酶及其自身的病毒基因组注入细胞核。 通过注入的病毒基因组RNA作为模板转录mRNA并产生未知的核酸外切酶 2。 被感染细胞的DNA被核酸外切酶从末端切断,最终几乎完全降解。 病毒基因组在被降解后立即开始以尚不明确的 …
SCP-173「雕像-最初之作,The Sculpture-The Original」是网络共笔怪谈体系《SCP基金会》系列中最经典的一个形象,它是最早被创作出的SCP条目,早在scp基金会这个概念和官方网站出现前就已经存在,亦是吉祥物一般的存在。
SCP-1736 | SCP Fanon Wiki | Fandom
Description: SCP-1736 is a complex of buildings in Yukon, Canada known as Site-53. SCP-1736 was created after SCP-8091 destroyed and the onsite nuclear warhead was detonated. However, Site-53 was left intact despite the nuclear warhead. How Site-53 was not completely destroyed by a nuclear explosion is unknown.
SCP-1736 - Голос Света
SCP-1736-1 выполняет роль жреца или священника этой религии, тогда как SCP-1736-2 - паствы или помощников. Теологическая доктрина религии описывает мессианское божество, которое его последователи призывают вернуться, чтобы спасти мир от тьмы и невежества. Это божество наиболее часто упоминается как [УДАЛЕНО] или [УДАЛЕНО].
SCP-CN-1736 - SCP基金会
受试项目: SCP-CN-1736 实验概述: 为进一步探明SCP-CN-1736的异常性质,拟让D-7344接触SCP-CN-1736海域,以触发其异常性质。 D-7344装备深海潜水设施一套,极限潜水深度为500米;装备水下定位装置一套;装备水下通讯器一个,可与SCP-CN-1736外舰艇上的边求贤博士实时 ...
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