SCP-2309 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月1日 · Any breach in SCP-2309 is to be reported immediately and considered a potential SK-Class dominance shift scenario. Upon receiving such a report, Foundation military assets stationed in the Middle East are to be activated and deployed according to Contingency Plan-2309, to assess the situation, and, if applicable, engage any hostile forces that ...
SCP-2309 - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-2309为一高约20米,厚度5米的墙壁,主体由铁质块状结构搭建并覆盖以一层较薄的黄铜,构筑于格鲁吉亚 地区的 山隘的峭壁之间。 虽然SCP-2309并不会被任何普通类型的损害所破坏,但目前SCP-2309墙体的北面一侧正在承受持续的异常结构状态恶化,表现为其该侧的金属表面正在逐渐的剥落消失,并在墙体上留下类似于爪抓痕的破坏痕迹。 该结构恶化现象仅在每日的日出至日落期间发生,持续至SCP-2309墙体的部分区域被破坏至仅剩约5cm厚度为止。 在每次 …
SCP-2309 - SCP財団
アイテム番号: SCP-2309 オブジェクトクラス: Euclid. 特別収容プロトコル: 無許可でのアクセスを防ぐため、SCP-2309の周辺地域は鎖で繋がれたフェンスで封鎖され、ジョージア陸軍によって使用されていることを証明する公的な許可証が与えられます。SCP-2309の ...
SCP系列 3 - SCP基金會
2024年9月5日 · 搞笑SCP -搞笑的scp項目列表,本頁包括了主站的還有及本站原創。 如果你想創作一篇搞笑scp,請注意你的那一篇要真的夠搞笑而又不是純粹玩梗才行。 已解明SCP -這些項目隨著科學的發展已經被解釋,現在已經不再被視為異常項目。 SCP系列3故事版 - 有關此系列SCP的故事。 SCP-2008 - …but blood must sometimes be spilled… SCP-2020 - 陳腔濫調,對吧? SCP-2102 - Got Shoggoth? SCP-2111 - 如果你能讀到這裡…… SCP-2127 - Hinterkai-fun! …
SCP-2309 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Laconic Description: SCP-2309 is an indestructible wall made from iron and brass located somewhere in Georgia. On a day-to-day basis, clawmarks will appear and disappear from SCP-2309. Additional Context: SCP-2309 is probably the mythological Iron Wall of Dhul-Qarnayn, which was destroyed by the entities Gog and Magog.
SCP-2309 - Железная стена Зуль-Карнайна
Описание: SCP-2309 представляет собой стену толщиной 5 м и высотой приблизительно 20 м, построенную из железных блоков, покрытых тонким слоем меди. Она находится в горном перевале в грузинском регионе .
New York Consolidated Laws, Surrogate's Court Procedure Act - SCP ...
2024年1月1日 · New York Consolidated Laws, Surrogate's Court Procedure Act - SCP § 2309. Commissions of trustees, of donees of powers during minority and of donees of powers in trust under wills of persons dying, or lifetime trusts established, after August 31, 1956
NYS Open Legislation | NYSenate.gov - The New York State Senate
2020年1月10日 · § 2309. Commissions of trustees, of donees of powers during minority and of donees of powers in trust under wills of persons dying, or lifetime trusts established, after August 31, 1956 1. On the settlement of the account of any trustee or donee of a power in trust under the will of a person dying after August 31, 1956, or
SCP-2309 - Iron Wall of Dhul-Qarnayn | Reading - YouTube
The SCP foundation secures anomalous objects, entities, individuals and locations for study and protection. SCP-2309 is one such SCP that said foundation cur...
SCP-2309 │ The Iron Wall of Dhul-Qarnayn │ Euclid - YouTube
Video Info ! Item #: SCP-2309 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: In order to prevent unauthorized access, the area surrounding SCP-2309 has been enclosed by a chain-link fence...
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