SCP-2402 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-2402 is a chord progression in the normal range of hearing for humans. The specific frequencies for each note involved and the length of each note in succession are listed in Document 2402-KS [REQUIRES 4/2402 CLEARANCE].
SCP-2402 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
SCP-2402 ("That Takes Me Back") is a chord progression that reverses the aging effect on organic and inorganic material. Organisms who are affected by 2402 forget all memories made up until their new age. Dilapidated buildings and structures are also affected by 2402, and can be rebuilt to mint condition from 2402's effects.
SCP-CN-2402 - SCP基金会
根据基金会分析部门的计算结果,依照SCP-CN-2402反演所得的未知实体可以在一定程度上简化了当前的天体系统模型。 出于简化数学模型的考虑,关于在当前天体模型中距离地球约1.496x10 8 千米区域存在一大质量自发光天体的假说被提出。 基于简单有效原理,该假说已被否决。 SCP基金会“最高机密”档案,解密以供欣赏。
SCP-2402-1 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
SCP-2402-1 was a musical manuscript that had the SCP-2402 chord written into its music. Originally in the possession of Bulgarian musicians, these musicians offered tourists and travelers to listen to the chord at exorbitant prices. The SCP …
(2402) | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
was an American musician who lived in New York City, New York. At some point in the 21st century, he uploaded pureyouth.mkv, which contained SCP-2402, to a cloud server. He was soon brought in for questioning by the SCP Foundation's MTF Eta-11 "Savage Beasts", where it was...
SCP-2403 - SCP基金会
描述:scp-2403是一异常现象,发生在研究站点-45东楼梯二层楼梯段和通往二层地板的最后一级台阶之间。 当一有知觉的二足行走生物从该楼梯向下走, 并跨过最后一级台阶 ,它们将立即被传送到另一时空位置。
SCP-2402 - SCP Explained
Laconic Description: SCP-2402 is a musical chord that heals wounds and undoes decay by reversing time. Additional Context: SCP-2402 was made by team "Site-19 String Quartet" ("Eta-11") for the Mobile Task Force Contest 2016. SCP-2402 is also a …
【SCP基金会】SCP-2000~SCP-2999(搬运自官网) - 哔哩哔哩
SCP-2401 - 玛丽有只小羊羔; SCP-2402 - 回转之曲; SCP-2403 - 悬空的楼梯; SCP-2404 - 两个恩奇; SCP-2405 - 2017_acf_nats_fianls.mp4; SCP-2406 - 巨像; SCP-2407 - 习得性无助; SCP-2408 - 欧若科之陨; SCP-2409 - 失落的警察站; SCP-2410 - 我们熊怀歉意; SCP-2411 - 内务; SCP-2412 - 先知机器人; SCP-2413 ...
SCP-2402 - Забери меня обратно
Описание: SCP-2402 — это аккордовая последовательность в стандартном диапазоне слуха человека. Конкретные частоты и длины каждой из нот последовательно перечислены в документе 2402-KS [НЕОБХОДИМ УРОВЕНЬ ДОСТУПА 4/2402].
SCP-CN-2402 - SCP International - Wikidot
2021年2月19日 · Description: SCP-CN-2402 is a series of anomalous phenomena relating to the Moon. Historically, records relating to SCP-CN-2402 exist all over the world, all of which seemingly converge upon the same hypothesis used to explain the mechanism by which SCP-CN-2402 occurs.
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