SCP-2574 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月16日 · SCP-2574 is capable of locomotion at a rate of 3-5 km a day, and is moving steadily towards a fixed destination. SCP-2574 is undeterred by most obstacles, whether man-made or naturally occurring. It can swim at a rate of 2-3 km per day, and will either crush land-based obstacles or climb over them.
SCP-CN-2574 - SCP基金会
由基金会异常收容委员会制订的界定准则书,通过自然地理环境、气候发展、社会发展、人类心理学演化等方向来推导与区分常态及异常的区别。 书中界定方法仅作为各收容小组的参考方法,不作必须遵守要求。 SCP基金会“最高机密”档案,解密以供欣赏。
【SCP基金会】SCP-2000~SCP-2999(搬运自官网) - 哔哩哔哩
SCP-2573 - I ain’t never heard of no commy Fifthists or nothin'. SCP-2574 - 何等野兽; SCP-2575 - 深空之梦; SCP-2576 - Joseph与炫彩梦山羊; SCP-2577 - Falling Ships; SCP-2578 - “这台机器扫除法西斯” SCP-2579 - 舞动的巨熊; SCP-2580 - 父女航天计划; SCP-2581 - 贺卡狂热; …
SCP-2574 - World War 1 Lion - YouTube
SCP 2574 is a KETER CLASS anomaly also known as World War 1 Lion. SCP-2574 is a 12-meter-tall leonine creature composed of sandstone and smooth muscle tissue...
SCP-2575 - SCP基金会
scp-2575自1987年被发现以来,在轨道衰减方面展示出十分稳定的迹象。当其在2084年通过l2拉格朗日点后,在2086年1月28日,scp-2575将丢失足够的轨道稳定度并导致其坠入地球大气层(推定会因此被摧毁)。 附录2575-1:scp-2575曾有两次以低频电波发出异常通信。两次 ...
SCP-2574 - What Rough Beast (Short Horror SCP Film) - YouTube
2023年12月11日 · SCP-2574 - What Rough Beast (Short Horror SCP Film) This incident took place in a remote, abandoned town in southern China....more. A group of tourists in search of gasoline for a car...
SCP:2574 (The Kid With A Pet) | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino
SCP Number: 2574. Threat Level: Red. Object Class: Keter. Containment Area: It is kept in a room similar to any pre-teen Male's room and it also is kept in a small classroom aswell. Clearance Level: 5. Abnormal Property: It can summon a unkown entity exactly 48 hours after taking any damage.
SCP-2574 - Жестокий зверь
SCP-2574 восстанавливает любой урон, нанесенный ему SCP-2574-1. SCP-2574 двигается в четко заданном направлении, в день покрывая расстояние от 3 до 5 км. SCP-2574 не обращает внимания на любые препятствия, как естественные, так и искусственные, которые встречаются на его пути, и либо разрушает их всем своим телом, либо взбирается на …
【图片】完了,兄弟们,论:我都对CN 2504干了什么?【scp…
SCP-2574? : r/SCP - Reddit
2018年2月16日 · Pretty sure you have the wrong SCP, 2574 is the Rough Beast Slouches Towards Bethlehem and has nothing to do with the Broken God.