SCP-2675 - SCP Foundation
SCP-2675 is sporadically encountered by military and civilian naval vessels in waters of the Arctic, northern Atlantic and northern Pacific Oceans, occasionally being spotted as far as south as the Sea of Okhotsk, the Gulf of Alaska, and the North Sea.
SCP-2675 - SCP基金会
阿特曼号向scp-2675发出一枚rgm-109b战斧式导弹,但尚未命中对方即消失不见。导弹在水下爆炸。 scp-2675出现在阿特曼号附近,撞上驱逐舰后左舷。阿特曼号受到严重伤害,但仍继续向sco02675发射45式炮和m242大毒蛇炮。scp-2675将上文提到的两台设备对准阿特曼号。
SCP-2675 transfigures, producing two large devices resembling microwave emitters on its starboard deck. The Altman fires an RGM-109B Tomahawk missile at SCP-2675, however, the target vanishes prior to contact. Missile detonates underwater. SCP-2675 manifests at point-blank range to the Altman, ramming it on the latter's port side.
SCP-2675 | Alt Battles Wiki | Fandom
SCP-2675 is the Sibir, an Arktika-Class nuclear-powered icebreaker constructed by the Soviet Union in 1977. Official records from the Russian Federation indicated that the Sibir was retired in 1992 due to a steam system malfunction, however, documents turned over by the GRU-P …
【SCP基金会】SCP-2000~SCP-2999(搬运自官网) - 哔哩哔哩
SCP-2675 - 摇篮; SCP-2676 - For S; SCP-2677 - 困惑; SCP-2678 - 丸吞洞; SCP-2679 - Jeannette Parslov的无数坟墓; SCP-2680 - 天花啤酒; SCP-2681 - 动物人; SCP-2682 - 盲目痴愚之果; SCP-2683 - Proboscidea Pilgrimage; SCP-2684 - Where's the Beach? SCP-2685 - 抽象思维; SCP-2686 - 月亮上的魔法师; SCP-2687 ...
SCP-2675 - Deadliest Fiction Wiki
SCP-2675 is the Soviet-built nuclear icebreaker Sibir launched in 1977, and lost in 1992 after being sent to investigate anomalous source of electromagnetic radiation in the Arctic Ocean. SCP-2675 was next seen in 1995, when it appeared in the Bering Strait and attacked and sunk several American commercial shipping vessels.
格鲁乌"P"部门中心页 - SCP基金会
格鲁乌"P"部门的活动旨在镇压在社会党国际国家内部的敌对异常活动、记录异常现象,并研究它们在促进本组织总体目标方面的使用方法。 (a) 收集在指定有关各国内政府的目标、手段和程序以及对苏联怀有敌意的团体、组织或个人,或以其他方式被视为危险的目标,特别是那些拥有或利用异常手段的国家。 按照第四部异常事件委员会主席第19/1938号命令“异常活动分类”定义异常手段。 (b) 检查、分析和处理与苏联领土内外有关异常事件的信息。 (i) 在苏联领土无效化和或收容敌 …
讨论串 - SCP基金会
SCP-2675 - SCP Explained
Item #: SCP-2675. Object Class: Keter. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-2675 is to be immediately destroyed on sight. Laconic Description: SCP-2675 is the Sibir, an Arktika-class Russian icebreaker powered by nuclear energy. SCP-2675 emits radiation, can teleport, and is capable of creating additional structures on itself.
SCP Series 3 - SCP Foundation
2025年3月3日 · The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. SCP Foundation Secure, Contain, Protect. About About Us; Site Rules; FAQ; Licensing; ... SCP-2675 - The Cradle; SCP-2676 - For S; SCP-2677 - Obfuscation; SCP-2678 - A City All of Blood; SCP-2679 - The Many Graves of Jeannette Parslov;