SCP-3034 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-3034 is a reoccurring anomalous radio broadcast of unknown origin. As of this date, the transmission has only been observed within approximately 2 kilometers of Provisional Site-3034.
SCP-3034-J - SCP Foundation
2024年2月12日 · Description: SCP-3034-J is a large aquatic serpent. The full length of SCP-3034-J is unknown, but is unfortunately large enough to swallow an indefinite number of humans. Similarly, the size of SCP-3034-J's mouth is unfortunately four meters from bottom to top, more than sufficient to consume humans.
SCP-3034 - The Counting Station (SCP Animation) - YouTube
2021年4月19日 · SCP-3034 is a mysterious radio broadcast broadcast from an unknown origin that has been connected to multiple cases of missing children.
SCP-3034 - Номерная радиостанция
Описание: SCP-3034 — это повторяющаяся аномальная радиотрансляция неизвестного происхождения. На сегодняшний день эта трансляция наблюдалась только в пределах примерно двух километров от Временной Зоны 3034. Все попытки отследить источник SCP-3034 потерпели неудачу. С 1964 года было зафиксировано более 627 случаев …
SCP Foundation SC Ps 3000 To 3499 Recap - TV Tropes
SCP-3034 is a continuous broadcast of the voice of a teenage Russian girl (SCP-3034-A) counting backward from 200; she only stops counting if someone sends a reply with the Russian words for "all is well".
SCP-3034 - NamuWiki
2024年11月23日 · SCP-3034 is a random broadcast observed irregularly within a 2km radius of Provisional Site-3034 . Under no circumstances is "Everything is going to be okayвсе хорошо" to be answered, and all children are to be denied entry onto the site.
Has the Foundation ever found an SCP but immediately failed to ... - Reddit
Didn't most of the 096 containment guys get schwomped by 096 because he turned around while they were looking? SCP-3034-A immediately begins to count backwards from 200 in Russian (UPDATE 2015/05/17: See attached incident report).
SCP 3034 appreciation thread : r/SCP - Reddit
2019年3月20日 · While some SCPs provide experiences such as intrigue, despair, or humour (without being a - j) there hasn't been an article so far that has scared me as much as 3034, and I haven't heard anyone talk about it.
SCP-3034 - Fondation SCP
Description : SCP-3034 est une émission radiophonique anormale et récurrente d'origine inconnue. À ce jour, la transmission n'a été observée que dans un rayon approximatif de 2 4 kilomètres autour du Site-753 (voir Pièce Jointe 2-201 : Rapport d'incident). Toutes les tentatives de triangulation de la source de SCP-3034 ont échoué.
SCP-3034-J | The SCP Articles Wiki | Fandom
Item Number: SCP-3034-J Object Class: Thaumiel Codename: Voresnake The area containing SCP-3034-J, currently a region of the Indian Ocean roughly 300km in diameter, is to be routinely patrolled by Foundation naval vessels. Under no circumstances are civilians allowed to …