SCP-311 - SCP Foundation
2022年7月15日 · Description: SCP-311 is a pair of plain black gloves. They exhibit extreme flexibility which allows them to fit every hand size tested. Object was recovered from , a professed "voodoo" practitioner implicated in several suspicious murders in .
SCP-311 - SCP基金会
SCP-311被发现于 的 ,一名自称信奉巫毒教(“Voodoo”)的信徒手上,他涉嫌和在 發生的數宗謀殺疑案有關。 随后,该对象被基金会所收容,该对象的所有物,包括对象所戴的手套也同时被收容并进行进一步的研究。 佩戴时,这双手套看上去是无害的,并且似乎对佩戴者也不会造成什么伤害。 当佩戴对象除手部以外的躯体遭受到外科创伤的时候,对象将表现出受到伤害时的正常的反应;但刺激区域为手部的时候,无论是创伤伤口本身还是伤口所引起的痛觉,都将转移给另一个 …
SCP收容物列表 | SCP基金会中文 Wiki | Fandom
scp-300~399. scp-300 - “瓶中世界”; scp-301 - 传送点; scp-302 - 蚂蚁雕像; scp-303 - 门后男; scp-304 - 某个信号; scp-305 - 耳语者; scp-306 - 蛙; scp-307 - 肉食性常春藤; scp-308 - 阿兹特克埋葬石棺; scp-309 - 毛绒玩具; scp-310 - 恒燃之火; scp-311 - 恶魔手套; scp-312 - 空中水母; scp-313 - 强力干手器; scp-314 - 动感尖锋; scp-315 ...
2020年5月10日 · scp-311恶魔手套是一双样式古典的手套。 后来根据史册考察以及博物馆存放展品对比,可以确定SCP-311恶魔手套来自18世纪,SCP-311恶魔手套拥有极好的弹性,任何人都可以佩戴SCP-311恶魔手套。
SCP-311 | Tactile Displacement Gloves (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
SCP-311 is a pair of plain black gloves. They exhibit extreme flexibility which allows them to fit every hand size tested. Object was recovered from a professed "voodoo" practitioner implicated...
SCP-311 - SCP Foundation Classic
Description: SCP-311 are a pair of black cotton gloves, printed with the design of the bone structure of a human hand, with the fingertips removed. When placed on the user's hand, they seem to grow or shrink according to hand-size, and can, theoretically, fit everyone.
scp-311-恶魔手套 - 哔哩哔哩
描述: SCP-311是一双样式朴素的黑色手套。这双手套有着非凡的弹性,对于各种尺寸的手掌来说都十分合适。 SCP-311被发现于 的 ,在[删除]一名自称信奉伏都教(“Voodoo”)的伏都教徒(practitioner)涉嫌制造 桩诡异的谋杀惨剧。
SCP-311 appears to be a rainbow-colored ore – including the colors white, black, grey and other shades – which is inert in nature, however the dust and particulates that come off the ore are highly toxic and cause cystic fibrosis-like symptoms along with the high likelihood of death.
311 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-311 is a portable cremation urn made of red/maroon colored concrete. No markings are visible from outside the container, except for a warning label in English and Chinese reading: DANGER! This object contains a very unstable and powerful energy source. Do not attempt to open this container under any circumstances.
SCP基金會 SCP-311(惡魔手套) - 每日頭條
scp-311是一雙樣式樸素的黑色手套。 這雙手套有著非凡的彈性,對於各種尺寸的手掌來說都十分合適。 SCP-311被發現於 的 ,一名自稱信奉巫毒教(「Voodoo」)的信徒手上,他涉嫌和在 發生的數宗謀殺疑案有關。
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