SCP-3112 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-3112 is an anomalous form of electromagnetic radiation with a frequency of 7a x 7.7a 7a Hz. SCP-3112 has been observed to allow inter-dimensional translocation of letters and postcards. Foundation efforts to replicate SCP-3112's frequencies and anomalous effects have been successful. (see: Test Log-3112-01)
SCP-CN-3112 - SCP基金会
描述:scp-cn-3112为一艘恒星级星际飞船。 对回收材料的放射性碳定年法检测显示,项目的建造时间约为52000年前;然而,其内部记录中频繁出现了 SCP基金会的标志 ,以及另一种相似但含义未知的标志。
SCP-3112 - SCP Explained
Laconic Description: SCP-3112 is a variety of electromagnetic radiation that can be used to transport letters and postcards between dimensions. Letters keep getting deposited in the Site-81 break room due to an unrelated anomaly.
SCP-3111 - SCP基金会
scp-3111-1是1975年10月21日世界职业棒球大赛 1 中,发生在辛辛那提紅人与波士顿红袜队之间的第六场比赛的书面记录。scp-3111-1文本与比赛官方记录没有差异。
SCP-312 - 百度百科
scp-312「空中水母」是网络共笔怪谈体系《scp基金会》中的一种scp生物。 由极薄的组织层组成的外形类似水母的生物,会隐藏在云层之中,跟踪人类达数月之久。
SCP-CN-3112 - SCP International
Description: SCP-CN-3112 is an interstellar-level spacecraft. Carbon-14 dating of recovered materials indicates that the object was constructed approximately 52,000 years ago; however, the SCP Foundation logo frequently appears in records recovered from the object, as well as a similar symbol of unknown meaning.
SCP 3112 InDi Mail - YouTube
SCP-3112 is an interdimensional mailway used by the Interdimensional Mailing Service to deliver letters, but due to the containment of an unknown SCP, it got...
讨论串 - SCP基金会
SCP-3112 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
Description: SCP-3112-1 is a bee hive shaped entity that houses several hundreds of SCP-3112-2 instances. SCP-3112-1 has been measured to be 0.9144 m, approximately 3 ft, in height. It's length is 0.6096 m, approximately 2 ft. Furthermore it weighs close to 11.3398 kg, approximately 25 lbs. SCP-3112-1 has two(2) eyes, a mouth, and a opening in ...
SCP-3112-RU-J-D - Бывший даритель
Описание: SCP-3112-J представляет собой частичные останки гуманоида мужского пола неизвестного возраста и национальности. Большая часть характеристик соответствуют человеческим, за исключением следующих: На уцелевшей части лица имеется обрывок бороды, полностью состоящий из хлопковых волокон, которая продолжает расти со скоростью 1-2 см/год.