SCP-3455 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-3455 is a temporal anomaly that subverts the linear flow of time, occurring annually at 00:00 GMT on March 17th. At the initiation of SCP-3455 all affected humans will immediately regain all memories they had during the previous iteration of SCP-3455, which typically includes knowledge of SCP-3455 and its nature.
SCP-CN-3455 - SCP基金会
描述:SCP-CN-3455是一台布满锈迹的工业流水线机器,外观与20世纪80年代的国产机床类似,在外壳上残留着"大星机械厂1983"的铭牌。 其异常特性表现为:当通电后,SCP-CN-3455将自动启动,在无需原材料供给的情况下持续生产灰色金属零件。
SCP Series 4 - SCP Foundation
2025年3月3日 · SCP-3015 - A Story Concerning Self-Doubt, Slight Disillusionment, and Frustration, As Told By the Lucky Member of a Group Whose Relatable Works Are Loved …
r/SCP on Reddit: Has there ever been a Snowden style leak of the ...
2022年1月16日 · 3455 is a time anomaly that occurs every year and last 47 days. After a 3455 event, time resets and everyone forget what happened during 3455. Also, when 3455 starts everyone regains there memories of previous 3455 events. Anyway, during the 1992 SCP-3455 event the site director of site-76 leaked a large amount of classified info on the Foundation.
SCP-3455 - Fondazione SCP
Descrizione: SCP-3455 è un'anomalia temporale che sovverte il flusso lineare del tempo, che si verifica ogni anno alle 00:00 del 17 marzo. All'inizio di qualsiasi iterazione di SCP-3455, tutti gli umani affetti recupereranno immediatamente tutti i ricordi che avevano durante la precedente iterazione, che di solito include la conoscenza di SCP ...
SCP项目分级大纲(更多,更全) - 哔哩哔哩
由SCP-3396的描述:Tiamat 级异常指那些影响无法利用基金会目前拥有的资源和知识秘密控制的实体,因此预计其将从根本上改变或完全废除共识常态,除非基金会直接参与。
SCP-3456 - SCP基金会
对于由SCP-3456事故造成生命财产损失的一切报告,应将其中对该异常的提及全部剔除,替换为军事冲突、自然原因或人为灾祸。 SCP-3456可能出现的区域应被定期监控。 在事故发生时将派出人员协助撤离。 应避免直接观察到SCP-3456。 描述: SCP-3456是一种外形类似马和其他马科动物的四足实体。 单独个体在外形上与其他马科动物有巨大差异,具体包括没有毛发,蹄上有三趾、厚实的半透明皮肤,此外在其背部接合有一个或多个人类躯干,但仍有一般的马科动物头部长 …
SCP-3455 - 411 дней в году
SCP-3455 длится ровно 47 дней, заканчиваясь 3 мая в 23:59 по Гринвичу. После завершения, время восстанавливает свой ход, возвращаясь в исходную точку. Любые события, происходившие во время SCP-3455, исчезают из причинности и все приобретенные воспоминания об этом теряются. До начала следующей итерации течение времени остается нормальным.
What is scp 345-5 : r/SCP - Reddit
2020年12月2日 · If you're watching/listening to the SCP on youtube, most of the youtubers will read it mostly verbatim for the actual document, perhaps with some creative twists.
SCP-3456 - 나무위키
SCP-3456의 가장 큰 약점은 민물로, 강, 호수 등의 민물로 되어있는 곳을 지나는 것이 불가능하다. 이는 이라크 전쟁 도중 바스라에 파견된 SCP 재단 요원들에 의해 밝혀진 것으로, 요원들이 티그리스 강을 건너 후퇴했는데 SCP-3456 개체들은 다리를 건너는 것은 물론 ...
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