SCP-3728 - SCP Foundation
2017年6月13日 · Description: SCP-3728 are 231 large squeaky clown hammers produced by Incorporated. Each hammer is composed of a long red shaft with several serrations, and a double head, blue in coloration, with ringed edges. SCP-3728 is …
SCP-3728 - SCP基金会
2024年4月5日 · scp-3728的主要异常效应在使用其两个锤头中的任何一个来敲击人类时显现。 无论物体挥动的力度有多大,也无论锤头以何种方式与人体接触,锤头都会施加一随机的、不成比例的、大于所原本施加的力的力量。
SCP-CN-3728 - SCP基金会
2024年6月3日 · scp-cn-3728的内置aic(下称scp-cn-3728-1)因未知原因 5 损毁,但经现代技术修复已能完全开启并读取其信息。 SCP-CN-3728于20 /2/10无任何征兆地出现在中华人民共和国 省 市附近10km处,在对当前区域的例行监视中被发现,根据其内部的搭载AIC可推测,SCP-CN-3728曾用于在可能 ...
SCP-3728 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-3728. Object Class: Safe. Laconic Containment Procedures: All 231 instances of SCP-3728 are to be kept in a storage locker at Site-77. Laconic Description: SCP-3728 is a series of squeaky hammer capable of launching people long distances while causing them to become either blind, deaf, or mute.
SCP-CN-3727 - SCP基金会
SCP-CN-3727-A代指栖居鱼缸内的若干微缩生物种群。 SCP-CN-3727-A具备趋同的外观特征,即个体近似缩小的宏观尺度海洋生物,如鱿鱼(Teuthida),磷虾(Euphausiidae)等,体长普遍小于1mm。 集群一般会在“初夏”开始向“北”迁徙,至“晚秋”抵达“北极”附近,并试图进入SCP-CN-3727-B的口腔。 SCP-CN-3727-B代指一具休眠中的鱼形胚胎。 胚胎形态类似须鲸(Balaenoptera),已分化出鲸须板等结构;体型远大于SCP-CN-3727-A,约占缸内空间的 …
SCP-3728 - Alt Battles Wiki
SCP-3728 are 231 large squeaky clown hammers produced by Incorporated. Each hammer is composed of a long red shaft with several serrations, and a double head, blue in coloration, with ringed edges. SCP-3728 is non-anomalous when used to strike most surfaces.
SCP-3728-JP - SCP財団
2024年8月25日 · 財団webクローラによるインターネット内の走査を定期的に行い、SCP-3728-JPの情報漏洩が判明した場合は拡散を防ぎ痕跡の消去を行います。SCP-3728-JPの除霊作業は2040年頃に終了する予定です。
2019年6月8日 · In all seriousness, imagine someone walking up to you with a rubber mallet. They hit you, and you just get freaking atomized, and you spread throughout the M...
Understanding SCP-3728: A Comprehensive Overview - TikTok
Explore SCP-3728 in depth. Learn its traits, containment procedures, and implications in the SCP universe. #SCP #SCP3728 #SecureContainProtect
SCP-3727 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-3727 is a 52 year old caucasian male with the ability to remotely manipulate syringes, as well as any objects that resemble a syringe in shape. The exact specifications of what qualifies as “syringe-shaped” have not been fully defined, but the presence of a pointed tip, a broader section resembling the barrel of a syringe ...