SCP-3899 - SCP Foundation
2022年3月17日 · Description: SCP-3899 is, in appearance, a black Peterbilt 379 semi-trailer truck, with attached trailer.
SCP-3899 | Monster Wiki | Fandom
SCP-3899 aka The Trucker by Night is, in appearance, a Black Peterbilt 379 truck with a trailer attached. SCP-3899's performance exceeds that possible by similarly branded conventional trucks, being capable of reaching speeds in excess of …
SCP-3899 - The Night Hauler (SCP Animation) - YouTube
SCP 3899 is, in appearance, a black Peterbilt 379 semi trailer truck, with attached trailer. SCP3899 has performance capabilities that exceed what is possible for conventional trucks...
SCP-3899 - Tổ Chức SCP
Mô tả: SCP-3899, về ngoại hình, là một chiếc xe tải sơ mi rơ moóc Peterbilt 379 màu đen, có gắn thêm một toa moóc. Hiệu suất của SCP-3899 vượt quá khả năng của các xe tải thông thường cùng loại với tốc độ tối đa đạt tới 430 km/h và khả năng tăng hoặc giảm tốc đột ngột ở mức thường dẫn đến hư hỏng cấu trúc đáng kể.
SCP-3899 The Night Hauler - Screaming Diesel and Ghostly ...
SCP-3899's performance capabilities exceed what is possible for conventional trucks of similar make, being able to re...more. In this SCP Foundation wiki reading we learn about SCP 3899...
SCP-3899 - The Night Hauler | Dr Bob brings you SCP ...
SCP 3899 is, in appearance, a black Peterbilt 379 semi trailer truck, with attached trailer. SCP3899 has performance capabilities that exceed what is possible for conventional trucks and also displays the ability to selectively displace itself in space across short distances.
SCP Foundation SC Ps 3500 To 3999 Recap - TV Tropes
SCP-3899 - The Night Hauler SCP-3899 is a tractor-trailer that only appears at night and can move at speeds of 430 km/h. Big Badass Rig : The SCP is also unbelievably fast.
SCP-3899 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-3899. Object Class: Keter. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-3899 is not currently contained. Laconic Description: SCP-3899 is an impossibly fast truck that manifests on US highways. It can also teleport.