SCP-4023 - SCP Foundation
SCP-4023 is a collection of anomalous objects, events and entities, which is currently undergoing an investigation from Dr. Ike. Documents related to this investigation are further described below.
SCP-4023 - SCP基金会
SCP-4023是多个异常物品,事件和实体的统称,正在被Ike博士调查中。 调查记录附于下文。 SCP-4023-1须被收容于Site-19的标准Safe级异常收容柜内。 对SCP-4023-1的接触仅限于实验。 SCP-4023-1是一个黑色23面骰,每面标有白色数字。 SCP-4023-1的异常性质将在它被抛向一活人时显现。 当它摇出1~13间的数字时,对象将受到生理创伤,摇出数字越小,该效应越明显。 而当它摇出14及以上的数字时,对象将得到正面影响、力量的增强及生理状况的改善。 SCP-4023 …
SCP-4023-EX - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-4023-EX is a chemical compound currently marketed as the antibiotic , patented by Foundation front company . It is an oxazolidinone antibiotic agent capable of killing nearly any naturally-occurring Gram-positive bacteria, but lacking the toxicity present in previously documented oxazolidinone compounds.
SCP-4023-EX A Chemical Compound 一種化合物 - longluntan
SCP-4023-1是一種能夠天然地大量生產SCP-4023-EX的一種酵母。 儘管它表面上和酵母屬(Saccharomyces spp)十分相似,但從基因層面上它和其他已知的天然存在物種並無任何相似的地方。
O6 Council | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
The O6 Council is an administrative council that was created shortly after the creation of the SCP Foundation, managing the work that the O5 Council could not spare the time to do themselves. It was eventually affected by SCP-4023, a malicious …
SCP-4028 - 百度百科
SCP-4028是一智能元虚构构造体,能栖入并篡改在叙事上与其当前所处文本相邻的虚构文本。 “相邻”在此指文本间存在共通角色或设定。 SCP-4028会把所进入的故事改造为更贴近于它理想的骑士信条。
SCP-4023 - Fondation SCP
SCP-4023 est un ensemble d'objets, d'évènements et d'entités anormaux qui est actuellement en cours d’investigation par le Dr Ike. Les documents relatifs à cette enquête sont décrits plus en détails ci-dessous.
SCP-4023-EX - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Laconic Description: SCP-4023-EX is a chemical compound marketed as an antibiotic and patented by a Foundation front company. It is an oxazolidinone agent capable of killing nearly every gram-positive bacteria but lacks the toxicity expected for such an agent.
SCP-4023-EX - Tổ Chức SCP
Nhằm ngăn ngừa nguy cơ lây lan khắp toàn cầu và các sự kiện tuyệt chủng của vi khuẩn, một plasmid kháng SCP-4023-EX đã được phát triển và phát hành, đảm bảo rằng các cơ chế trôi dạt di truyền tự nhiên sẽ giữ cho quần thể vi khuẩn sống sót.
SCP-4023 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Laconic Description: SCP-4023 is an extradimensional entity trying to enter our dimension using anomalies. It's goal is to merge itself with the O5 Council, but it is currently possessing the O6 Council (who deal with all the day-to-day work).
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