SCP-4119 - SCP Foundation
SCP-4119's skin is abnormally thick and heat-resistant, protecting it from the heat and force of the detonations of its liquid. Acquisition: On 02/19/2017, a Type 3A dimensional anomaly appeared in the air, approximately 10km from Site-496, violently ejecting SCP-4119 and fragments of a concrete room into the surrounding woods. MTF Mu-8 ...
SCP-4199 炸药小姐 - 哔哩哔哩
描述:SCP-4119是一西班牙裔年轻女性,自称为& #34;Thalia Contreras&# 34;。 SCP-4119视线圆锥中心11度内的物体表面上会分泌出一层易爆油性液体。SCP-4119的视线会在最大约700米内不可控制地产出液体;超出此外,SCP-4119必须在物理上发挥自身才能产生液体分泌。
SCP-4118 - SCP基金会
项目编号:SCP-4118 项目等级:Safe 特殊收容措施:SCP-4118被存放在Site K-40的一个标准储存单元内。所有SCP-4118-1实例应被存放在相邻的单元中。允许人员与SCP-4118互动。允许SCP-4118-2访问其铭记对象,但必须保证其日程作息,不得超过规定的逗留时间。
SCP-4119 - Tổ Chức SCP - Wikidot
Mã vật thể: SCP-4119 Phân loại: Euclid Quy Trình Quản Thúc Đặc Biệt: SCP-4119 được quản thúc trong một buồng giam đã qua sửa đổi, được đặt trong lồng Faraday, có khả năng chống chịu các vụ nổ. Trong buồng, một ống chân không duy trì luồng vi ba công suất thấp không đổi đồng thời toàn bộ bề mặt bên trong ...
SCP-4119 - SCP財団
2017年2月19日 · scp-4119の皮膚は異常に厚く、また耐熱性があるため、熱や液体の起爆力からは保護されています。 取得: 2017/02/19、タイプ3A次元異常がサイト-496から約10km離れた場所の空中に出現し、SCP-4119とコンクリート製の部屋の残骸を周辺の森に荒々しく射出しまし …
SCP系列(4000-4999) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
4000到4099 禁忌之地 - 禁忌之地scp-4001 - 永恒之亚历山大城scp-4002 - 黑月嚎叫于时界之外scp-4003 - 牛仔,天主教,白垩纪scp-4004 - 成真梦想scp-4005 - 桃花石国桃花源scp-4006 - #马萨诸塞真相scp-4007 - 影…
SCP-4119 | Alt Battles Wiki | Fandom
SCP-4119 is a young adult Hispanic female, identifying as "Thalia Contreras". Surfaces within the central 11° cone of SCP-4119's line of sight excrete films of an oily, explosive liquid. SCP-4119's vision will trigger liquid uncontrollably up to a range of approximately 700m; beyond this...
SCP-1831 - Yerko's Sandbox
SCP-4119's skin is abnormally thick and heat-resistant, protecting it from the heat and force of the detonations of its liquid. Acquisition: On 02/19/2017, a Type 3A dimensional anomaly appeared in the air, approximately 10km from Site-496, violently ejecting SCP-4119 and fragments of a concrete room into the surrounding woods. MTF Mu-8 ...
SCP-4119 - Vs. Battles Wiki
SCP-4119 is a young adult Hispanic female, identifying as "Thalia Contreras". Surfaces within the central 11° cone of SCP-4119's line of sight excrete films of an oily, explosive liquid. SCP-4119's vision will trigger liquid uncontrollably up to a range of approximately 700m; beyond this, SCP-4119 must exert itself physically to cause liquid ...
Scp 4119 - The Good Old Days : r/SCP - Reddit
2018年12月30日 · Anomalous Effects: Scp 4119 has a 4' radius aura emitting from it, anything that enters this area becomes monochrome for the duration it stays in the area. Tests: D class personnel was instructed to enter the aura, upon entering scp 4119's radius the subject reported everything went "black and white". Objects outside the radius were also ...
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