SCP-4299 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月4日 · Description: SCP-4299 is a sapient pink rose located in a small rose garden in Domfront, France. It is capable of verbal communication, producing speech from its stigma, and its petals move as if to imitate a mouth when it speaks.
SCP-4299 - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-4299是一种浅粉色玫瑰,位于法国栋夫龙的一个小玫瑰园。 其具有语言交流能力,从柱头处发声,且花瓣如同嘴唇一样开合。 SCP-4299也能够移动茎部面对与其交互的对象,并且沿茎秆的长度以叶为手。 SCP-4299具有极强的会话性,能与任何接近它的对象进行交互。 将SCP-4299从其位置移除将导致当前玫瑰异常性消失。 SCP-4299将在花园中的另一朵玫瑰中再次显现。 与SCP-4299进行对话的受试者产生血压下降、神经舒缓的情况,同时体验到通常被描述为“安 …
SCP-4299 - SCP Explained
Item #: SCP-4299. Object Class: Euclid. Laconic Containment Procedures: greenhouse has been constructed around SCP-4299. Anyone who consumes SCP-4299 is to be monitored. Laconic Description: SCP-4299 is a pink rose that can talk. Anyone who consumes SCP-4299's petals will become rose petals when they die.
SCP-4999 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
SCP-4999, nicknamed " Someone To Watch Over Us ", is an entity that only appears to people on their deathbed that meet certain criteria, typically indicating loneliness. He then comforts them until they pass away.
SCP系列(4000-4999) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
SCP-4299 - 我看到了美好的生活; 4300到4399. SCP-4300 - 让一个人失去灵魂; SCP-4301 - 蒂莫西·基尔斯(Timothy Gilles) SCP-4302 - 前掠食者; SCP-4303 - 野蔷薇; SCP-4304 - There Is No Honor Among Thieves (Even When Mechas Are Involved) SCP-4305 - No Lifeguard On Duty; SCP-4306 - Stan the Janitor; SCP-4307 - Electro ...
SCP Series 5 - SCP Foundation
2024年12月18日 · SCP-4199 - An Average Joe; 4200 to 4299. SCP-4200 - The World, Idealized; SCP-4201 - Pizza of Mass Destruction; SCP-4202 - The Sleepy Clapper; SCP-4203 - Sometimes a Damselfly Just Wants Some Dick; SCP-4204 - To Pluck the Moon From the Sky; SCP-4205 - In The Eyes of the Beholder 🖳 SCP-4206 - The Weighing of the Heart; SCP-4207 - Auditory ...
SCP-4999 - SCP Foundation
SCP-4999 will manifest only in the presence of one solitary human person at a time. All subjects recorded to date have been in terminally poor health, critically injured, or on their deathbeds, with SCP-4999 appearing nearby and within sight of the …
Объекты 4000-4999 - SCP Foundation
scp-4193 — лекарство от мигрени дадо scp-4194 — Все, что падает, имеет крылья scp-4195 — Что посеял, то и пожинаешь. 4200-4299. scp-4201 — Пицца массового поражения scp-4205 — В глазах смотрящего 🖳 scp-4206 ...
SCP-4290 - 百度百科
SCP-4290「饥饿之子」是网络共笔怪谈文学《 SCP基金会 》系列中的超自然生物。于上古就已存在的灭世实体,被Erikesh文明、夏朝文明、奥托世文明、狄瓦族等多个文明封印于青海湖,其封印于现代破除,青海湖周边的基金会人员在封印破除的前几天因惧怕世界 ...
I See Life in Rosy Hues (SCP-4299) : r/SCP - Reddit
2018年8月25日 · 708K subscribers in the SCP community. Secure, Contain, Protect | Official subreddit of the SCP Wiki collaborative-fiction project | scpwiki.com
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