SCP-4444: the animegao mask : r/SCP - Reddit
2018年5月17日 · SCP-4444 Object class:Euclid Status: Missing If seen, contact level 4 or higher personnel. Special containment procedures: SCP-4444 is to be kept in a 3 by 3 standard containment locker at Site 84. 1 armed guard is to be stationed outside at all times. If any curiosity is felt, report to site 84 medicinal to receive class C amnestics immediately.
Couple of interesting Easter eggs in SCP 4444 : r/SCP - Reddit
2018年12月17日 · SCP-4444 is an incorporeal extra-dimensional entity that has been cohabitating the body of former United States Vice President Albert Arnold Gore Jr., presumably since late 1998.
Respect SCP-4444, "Garber Gore" (SCP Foundation) : r/SCPRTs
2022年7月4日 · In an attempt to rectify this mistake, SCP-4444 would attempt to use Al Gore's body to win the presidential election of 2000. Source Key All feats occur in SCP-4444's main article, and as such are unmarked General Qualities/"Physiology" Description of SCP-4444, of note is that it is only visible under infrared, and cohabits the mind and body of ...
The Trends and Eras of SCP: An Examination of How SCP Writing
2021年8月16日 · Examples of popular ones include SCP-4444 (Bush V Gore), SCP-5004 (MEGALOMANIA), SCP-5740 (all cop are buddy by dado), SCP-6004 (Rainbow Serpent). Dear Lord in Heaven do I hate this aspect of the modern SCP Foundation.
Thought of this a few days ago : r/SCP - Reddit
SCP-4444, is an alien entity that in 1998 attempted to seize control of the most powerful person on Earth. However it mistakenly thought “Vice President” ranked higher than “President” and attached itself to Al Gore.
Can someone explain Dr. Bright to me? : r/SCP - Reddit
This interpretation of bright is the more common one, seen in stuff like SCP-4444 and "The Things Dr Bright Is Not Allowed To Do At The Foundation", where bright is a complete lunatic that does whatever he currently wants, and feels zero-to-no remorse or regret over any of his antics.
SCP-4444: I recreated the phone call with Bill Clinton and Joe …
2021年8月6日 · SCP-4444: I recreated the phone call with Bill Clinton and Joe Andrew This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast 3 comments Best The-Paranoid-Android • • 2 yr. ago • Articles mentioned in this submission
Good Political SCPs? : r/SCP - Reddit
2020年10月16日 · Yeah, I know controversy and whatever, but I like them. Have already read SCP-4444 and SCP-5740, which are great and I recommend both.
SCP-99-BFDI-BH - Sentient Black Hole : r/BattleForDreamIsland
2020年2月19日 · SCP-99-BFDI-BH has a calm and collected personality and does not use his power as a black hole for malicious intentions. The entity is able to increase his event horizon at will and can interract with others without causing any damage. Discovery: SCP-99-BFDI-BH was first doumented by maristanaweb on 08/01/2011.
what are your top 10 favourite scps? : r/SCP - Reddit
SCP-4444 - Bush v. Gore (+1019) by djkaktus SCP-001 - Awaiting De-classification [Blocked] (+344) by Staff SCP-5999 - This is Where I Died (+1647) by Modern_Erasmus, VolgunStrife, TheeSherm, Woedenaz, S D Locke SCP-8888 - Eight-Ball (+244) by HarryBlank, Placeholder McD, Billith, Doctor Cimmerian SCP-8008 - Time Pervert (+202) by LORDXVNV SCP-7000 - The Loser (+1216) by ...