SCP-4479 - SCP Foundation
The nature and size of SCP-4479-1 vary depending on the specific portal used; the interior walls of SCP-4479-1 are usually similar in composition to the material of the portal. Testing Log 4479.1 Addendum 4479.2: In an attempt to explore SCP-4479-1, exploration specialist D-11424 was deployed to map out the pocket dimension. D-11424 was ...
SCP 4479 D 11424 and The Land of Too Many Doors| D-11424's
SCP-4479 is a doorknob. When attached to a door or door-like structure, it allows the user to access to a world fill with doors. Our favorite D-Class was sen...
SCP 4479 - D-11424 and The Land of Too Many Doors - YouTube
https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4479Content relating to the SCP Foundation, including the SCP Foundation logo, is licensed under Creative Commons Sharealike...
SCP-4479 - SCP財団
補遺4479.2 scp-4479-1を探査する試みとして、探査スペシャリストd-11424がポケット次元のマップを作成するために派遣されました。d-11424は標準的な通信手段、1日分の食料が入ったバックパック、基底現実に取り付けられたテザーが与えられました。
D-11424 and The Land of Too Many Doors - SCPOneCanonProject …
SCP-4479. Author. Captain Kirby; Weryllium; Release date. January 16th, 2019. Previous Entry. STAIRSCASE. Next Entry. The Snake Doctor. D-11424 and The Land of Too Many Doors is the four thousand, four hundred and seventy-ninth SCP entry. Appearances []
SCP-4479 - Fondation SCP
Objet n o: SCP-4479. Classe : Sûr Procédures de Confinement Spéciales : SCP-4479 est conservé dans un casier verrouillé standard pour objets de classe Sûr, placé au fond d'un puits vertical de 30 m situé à l'étage le plus bas du Site-31. Cette zone ne doit être accessible par aucune porte temporaire ou permanente. Toutes les nouvelles entrées vers SCP-4479-1 …
SCP系列(4000-4999) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
4000到4099 禁忌之地 - 禁忌之地scp-4001 - 永恒之亚历山大城scp-4002 - 黑月嚎叫于时界之外scp-4003 - 牛仔,天主教,白垩纪scp-4004 - 成真梦想scp-4005 - 桃花石国桃花源scp-4006 - #马萨诸塞真相scp-4007 - 影…
SCP-4478 - SCP Foundation
The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. SCP Foundation Secure, Contain, Protect. About About Us; Site Rules; FAQ; Licensing; Criticism Policy; Article Deletions; Community Site News; ... « SCP-4477 | SCP-4478 | SCP-4479 ...
SCP-4479 (my first Thaumiel SCP!) : r/SCP - Reddit
2018年5月17日 · SCP-4579 Class: Thaumiel Special containment procedures: SCP-4579 is to be kept in a refrigerated box in site 28’s break room SCP-4579 is a…
SCP-4479 - La Fundación SCP
La Fundación SCP Rama Hispanohablante. SCP [EN] Serie I . 001-099; 100-199; 200-299; 300-399; 400-499; 500-599; 600-699; 700-799
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