SCP-4612 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-4612 refers to two related anomalies. SCP-4612-A is the body of a large limaciform invertebrate, consisting of white translucent flesh with elastic texture. The body …
SCP-4612 - SCP基金会
SCP-4612-A是一具大型蛞蝓形无脊椎动物的尸体,其肉质为白色透明且有橡胶质感。 尸体没有表现出腐败迹象,尽管自其推定死亡时间已过去数百年。
Hecatoncheires Cycle Hub - SCP Foundation
Several Serpent's Hand agents attempted to break containment and steal 4612-A. After opening a Way on the premises, the agents were able to cast a cantrip to fool the Site-91 thaumaturgical …
Entry Page: 4612 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
Agent Rebekah Douglas William Henry Eckhart Anthony Martell Mekhane POI-39978K SCP-4612-A SCP-4612-B Director Iona Varga Object Classes Uncontained Security Clearance …
Beta-777 "Hecate's Spear" - SCP Database Wiki
On 12 June 1991, an MTF Beta-777 detachment led by Captains Sahara Zadeh and Kessler accompanied Agent Douglas into SCP-4712-B for the purpose of surveying the surface, with …
Iona Varga | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
On 17 July 1991, Varga interviewed SCP-4712-A five days after Agent Douglas had a psychotic break while utilizing her psychometry within SCP-4712-B. 4712-A described what occurred …
SCP-4612 - SCP財団
SCP-4612-Aはナメクジに類似する巨大な無脊椎動物の死骸であり、弾性のある白い半透明の肉で構成されています。 推定死亡時期から数世紀が経過しているにも拘らず、この死骸は腐 …
SCP-4612 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
SCP-4612 Item #: SCP-4612 Object Class: Uncontained Laconic Containment Procedures: Provisional Site-91 has been constructed above SCP-4612. Laconic Description: SCP-4612 is …
SCP安保设施地点 - 哔哩哔哩
基于MTF-Beta-777(“Hecate’s Spear”-赫卡忒之矛)对奇术分析的熟悉和精通,该设施也被作为他们的主基地使用。设施内收容的包括:SCP-3743, SCP-4612, SCP-4712, SCP-5079, SCP …
SCP-4612-B - Vs. Battles Wiki
SCP-4612-B was once a man born in the Hellenistic Era and worshipped gods known as the Hecatoncheires. After he was granted power by SCP-4612-A, SCP-4612-B has demonstrated …
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