SCP-4665 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-4665 is an anomalous plant species most similar to Chamaemelum nobile (chamomile) which is marked by a strong floral aroma, a complex fertilization process, and a low yield. Those who ingest a sufficient quantity of SCP-4665 become an instance of SCP-4665-1.
SCP-4666 - SCP Foundation
The first, and most common, is that SCP-4666 will kill all members of the family save for one child under the age of 8, whom it will abduct. SCP-4666 will inflict incapacitating injuries to family members while they are sleeping, then herd them into a single room of the dwelling where it will proceed to kill them in view of each other.
SCP-4666 - SCP基金会
Weissnacht事件的幸存者一般将SCP-4666描述为一名身材极高(2米到2.3米间)的老年欧洲血统男性,其外貌极度瘦弱。 实体似乎总是全身裸体,即便是在寒冷天气的户外。
SCP-4664 - SCP基金会
所有涉及SCP-4664的测试都应由位于列斯科夫岛的收容设施Site-3T1完成,以避免对周围环境造成过度伤害。 描述: SCP-4664是一种大型的触手生物,类似于出现在南桑威奇群岛水域的大王鱿鱼。 相比于其他的鱿鱼种,SCP-4664显然大得多,约有25米长。 SCP-4664有异常大量的附肢,数量预计在5000至20000之间。 SCP-4664的所有附肢的末端都有一个南桑威奇群岛当地的不同海洋生物的复制品。 这些附肢由一种布状材料制成,外观类似于手偶。 已记载的附肢包括逆戟鲸 …
SCP-4664 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月8日 · Description: SCP-4664 is a large tentacled creature physically similar to a giant squid that manifests within the waters of the Southern Sandwich Islands. SCP-4664 is significantly larger than other similar species of squid, being approximately 25 meters long.
SCP系列(4000-4999) - 知乎专栏
4000到4099 禁忌之地 - 禁忌之地SCP-4001 - 永恒之亚历山大城SCP-4002 - 黑月嚎叫于时界之外SCP-4003 - 牛仔,天主教,白垩纪SCP-4004 - 成真梦想SCP-4005 - 桃花石国桃花源SCP-4006 - #马萨诸塞真相SCP-4007 - 影…
SCP-4666 - 나무위키
SCP-4666은 늙고 수척하며 비정상적으로 키가 큰 노인의 형상을 한 SCP이다. 단순히 자극에 의한 반응이 아니라 능동적으로 살인, 유괴, 식인 등의 범죄를 저지르는, 수많은 SCP들 중에서도 굉장히 극악무도한 SCP 중 하나이다.
SCP-4666 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
The Yule Man, also known as SCP-4666 and as Gluggagægir to the Icelandic people, is an enigmatic and extraordinarily powerful entity that is active only near rural households north of 40°N latitude during late December to early January.
SCP-4666 - ナムウィキ
2025年2月10日 · SCP-4666は老朽化し、脊椎動物で異常に背の高い高齢者の形をしたSCPです。 単に刺激による反応ではなく、 能動的に殺人、誘拐、食人などの犯罪を犯す、数多くのSCPの中でも非常に極悪無道なSCPの一つだ。
SCP-4666 | Villains Wiki | Fandom
SCP-4666, also referred to as The Yule Man, is a minor antagonist in the SCP Foundation series. He is a humanoid figure that travels around the world killing families and kidnapping children. Because of his ability to teleport at will and extreme difficulty to contain, he is classified as Keter by the Foundation.
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