SCP-491 - SCP Foundation
2023年1月3日 · Description: SCP-491 is a lighthouse built in the early 20th century, located at , Nova Scotia. The ocean floor surrounding SCP-491 contains numerous wrecked ships, which vary in time of origin, ranging from 1923 to 1987.
scp-4⑨1-残骸灯塔 - 哔哩哔哩
描述 :scp-491是一座可能建造于1924年的灯塔,位于新斯科舍省的 。环绕scp-491周围的海面布满了大量船只残骸。这些船只残骸的建造时间跨度很大,在1923年到1987年之间。 scp-491周围半径半公里的土地会自行改变。
SCP-491 - SCP Foundation Classic - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-491. Object Class: Euclid. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-491 is to be constantly guarded by Task Force Kappa-8 (aka The Lifeguards) at all times. Any breach of security while Kappa-8 is on guard is to result in the termination of the trespassers, which is to be covered up under the guidelines in Directive , ‘The Devil in ...
SCP-491 - SCP Foundation Classic - Wikidot
2012年9月20日 · Description: SCP-491 appears to be a standard bottle of brand hair tonic. The item was recovered after reports were received of a house completely filled with hair. Upon arrival, agents found that the house in question was in fact filled with massive quantities of human hair, and bits of flesh and bone.
SCP-491 | Wrecking Light (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
2022年1月11日 · SCP-491 is a lighthouse built in the early 20th century, located in Nova Scotia. The ocean floor surrounding SCP-491 contains numerous wrecked ships, which vary in time of origin, ranging from...
SCP-490 - SCP基金会
scp-490可以驾驶(通过向其本身安装的柴油发动机加油)并且驾驶起来和其它同型车辆没有不同。 在当地时间凌晨2-5点SCP-490会自行启动,并且在当公路网中的任意一条公路上以低速行驶。
SCP-491 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-491. Object Class: Euclid. Laconic Containment Procedures: A perimeter has been constructed around SCP-491. Laconic Description: SCP-491 is a lighthouse in Nova Scotia with a green light that causes earthquakes.
SCP-491 - Wrecking Light/船骸灯塔 : 3: milk2015: 4861: 周三 二月 20, 2013 4:18 pm 由 忧容 SCP-479 - Hallway 4, D-Class Dorms, Site 14 : 8: プリニーさん: 6150: 周三 二月 20, 2013 3:24 pm 由 忧容 SCP-135-D the Shape Shifter : 1: Lynowns: 6034: 周三 二月 20, 2013 1:22 pm 由 Lynowns SCP-090- Apocorubik's Cube : 4: Holy ...
SCP-491 - Гибельный свет
Описание: scp-491 представляет собой маяк, построенный в начале ХХ века, расположенный в , Новая Шотландия. На дне моря, окружающего scp-491, находится большое количество затонувших кораблей ...
SCP-491 - SCP財団
アイテム番号: scp-491 オブジェクトクラス: Euclid 特別収容プロトコル: 海上の船がSCP-491の効果の範囲にアクセスすることを防ぐため、SCP-491の周囲1kmは常に保全されます。
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