SCP-5197 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-5197 are large oblate spheroid objects possessing a dark metallic appearance. A single SCP-5197 instance periodically manifests every 271 days, usually during nighttime. However, the exact location of manifestation has proven difficult to predict.
SCP-5198 - SCP基金会
七个SCP-5198-B实例都在Site-59处于药物诱导的昏迷状态。 为消除异常噩梦的可能性,他们每天静脉滴注10%稀释的貘血清。 目前无法安全切除和隔离各自的SCP-5198-C,有待进一步研究。 描述: SCP-5198-A是一本名为“滚出你该死的外壳! ”的精装自助书。 没有作者或出版商署名,内容似乎是502页的“乱数假文”占位符文本。 当患有焦虑、抑郁、创伤后应激障碍或其他类似精神疾病的人类受试者试图阅读SCP-5198-A时,他们就转变为SCP-5198-B的个体。 受影响对象无法 …
SCP-5197 - SCP Explained
Item #: SCP-5197 Object Class: Keter Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-5197 instances are to be located and contained. Laconic Description: SCP-5197 are metallic spheres that spontaneously appear every 271 days and generate dangerous phosgene gas. SCP-5197-2 are large entities that appear with SCP-5197 and quickly dies from the phosgene gas.
最近新增的翻译页面 - SCP基金会
SCP-5197是什麼?來自外太空的星際快遞,一到地球就爆炸【三 …
來自外太空的星際快遞,一到地球就爆炸【三體世界學】 What is scp-5197? The interstellar express from outer space exploded as soon as it arrived on earth 這裡是三體世界學😊 我會定時為大家更新哦~ 喜歡我的別忘記訂閱~💕 #scp #SCP基金會...
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SCP 5197 Department of Frontier Development - YouTube
2022年11月7日 · SCP-5197 are containers that carry hazardous materials, though the Foundation has no idea on why they kept getting them.
SCP系列(5000-5999) - 知乎专栏
5000到5099 SCP-5000 - 为什么?SCP-5001 - 神圣不可侵犯SCP-5002 - 收容室女尸之谜SCP-5003 - 衰竭SCP-5004 - 狂妄之人SCP-5005 - 长夜孤灯SCP-5006 - 无人可信SCP-5007 - 巴斯海峡SCP-5008 - 噤声SCP-5009 - 第2…
SCP 5197 | Wiki La Fundación SCP | Fandom
SCP-5197 intentará atraer al sujeto a que pruebe la máquina evitando cualquier otra cosa que la máquina en un radio de 20m. Todo el Personal que se acerque a la máquina, tiene que intentar ser alejado en cuanto antes, de lo contrario, no parará de sacar cosas de la …
SCP-5197-J "Wizard Fox" | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino
2018年3月17日 · Description: SCP-5197-J appears to be a normal vulpes vulpes, or more commonly known as a red fox, wearing a "wizard hat." Upon closer examination, both of SCP-5197-J's eyes is covered in a constantly changing rainbow. SCP-5197-J seems to have no regard for human life or even the Foundation.