SCP-5387 - SCP Foundation
SCP-5387 is a genetically modified species of epiphytic cacti from the genus Hylocereus 1. Current studies suggest SCP-5387 can grow to 25 to 30 meters tall. Contained instances are …
SCP系列 6 - SCP基金会
2025年3月4日 · 被归档的SCP - 这些SCP由于被用于基金会故事或因为工作人员的职权而被保留。 已解明SCP - 这些SCP们,按当前的认知标准,已经不再被视为奇怪的、超自然的、或所谓‘ …
SCP系列 6 - SCP基金會
2024年9月24日 · 搞笑SCP -搞笑的scp項目列表,本頁包括了主站的還有及本站原創。 如果你想創作一篇搞笑scp,請注意你的那一篇要真的夠搞笑而又不是純粹玩梗才行。 已解明SCP -這些 …
SCP系列(5000-5999) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
SCP-5387 - 当生活给了你火龙果; SCP-5388 - Fear is Proof of a Degenerate Mind; SCP-5389 - A Howling in the Deep; SCP-5390 - 要来一份塔马利吗? SCP-5391 - 复生; SCP-5392 - The …
SCP-387 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月1日 · Description: SCP-387 is a tub of commercially available Lego, normal in design. Irregular shapes not featured in normal sets, such as circular “wheels,” and prisms, are also …
拼尸竞赛 - SCP基金会
在第一阶段中,参赛者会看到一张 Google 电子表格(可以从竞赛页上的链接进入),包含 05 月 14 日所有参赛者和他们的项目等级。 你不需要在收容措施中直接放置图片,你只要添加一条图 …
SCPs/Series 6 | SCP Foundation Wikia | Fandom
SCP-5387 - When Life Gives You Dragonfruits; SCP-5388 - Fear is Proof of a Degenerate Mind; SCP-5389 - A Howling in the Deep; SCP-5390 - Do You Want A Tamale? SCP-5391 - …
SCP-5388 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月22日 · Description: SCP-5388 was the collective designation for a colony of Apatura Iris. 1 SCP-5388 consisted of up to 800,000 individual members while in containment. …
SCP-387 | SCP Wiki - Fandom
SCP-387 is a tub of commercially available Lego, normal in design. Irregular shapes not featured in normal sets, such as circular “wheels,” and prisms, are also available. It has no brand name, …
SCP-387 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
SCP-387, also known as "Living Lego" by the SCP Foundation, is an anomalous tub of Lego that when used to build Lego figures, they become animate. On February 20 , Agent H discovered …
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