SCP-5585 - SCP Foundation
SCP-5585 was built in 1754 and served as the generational home of the main branch of the neutralized Group of Interest "Salem Family". The Salems were a powerful and influential group of psychics that delved into mainstream and occult sciences, and would often search out and steal anomalies to further their endeavors.
SCP-5855 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-5855 is the collective designation for a variety of anomalous fruit bearing one or more human organs/appendages. SCP-5855 instances are sentient and ambulatory, re-positioning themselves by rolling, hopping, or using their human limbs.
SCP系列(5000-5999) - 知乎专栏
5000到5099 SCP-5000 - 为什么?SCP-5001 - 神圣不可侵犯SCP-5002 - 收容室女尸之谜SCP-5003 - 衰竭SCP-5004 - 狂妄之人SCP-5005 - 长夜孤灯SCP-5006 - 无人可信SCP-5007 - 巴斯海峡SCP-5008 - 噤声SCP-5009 - 第2…
SCP-5595 - SCP Foundation
SCP-5595 was discovered on May 24, 2019, in Site-322's first-floor security checkpoint. SCP-5595's presence did not initially raise alarm due to its amiable nature and knowledge of ongoing Site activities; those who encountered it believed it was a …
1.Roget的001提案“Keter任务”已被原作者删除,Ihp/Locke的同名001提案保留了本作核心思路以及055/579的互收容组合,但其它内容大有不同。 2.2998中,055/579交互后的最终迭代,事态进展明显早于第一迭代。 这可能表明这一交互重启了时间线,但也有更多可能。 3.注意“没有官设”——055和579一开始就是彻底的谜团,未知远多于已知。 只看原作,那么055和579的关系完全未知,“互相收容”和“重启时间线”都是之后的作品添加的设定而非原设。 这俩的组合嘛…… 但我 …
#7 SCP-5595-p(炎王龍人) | SCP - ロロ (品口夢見)の小説シ …
火を灯す、またはSCP-5595―pが指を鳴らすことで粉塵爆破を起こします。 鉄筋のネジ・接続部・ドア・窓・パイプ等は粉塵化できるため破壊は造作もないでしょう。 が、衣類・持ち物・花瓶等の生命活動に関係しないものは例外。 SCP-5595―pにオリーブオイルの入ったペットボトルを第二核シェルター内に投下、起爆させた。 ちなみに毎度実験を行う度に誰かしら一人がO5へKeterクラスへの格上げを要請し却下されている。 理由:脱走しないし彼を道具に例え …
SCP-055 - 百度百科
SCP-055是一个“自我保守的秘密”或者“ 逆模因 ”,关于SCP-055的信息,比如它的物理外观、本质、行为以及起源都是自我隐蔽的。
Scp 5585 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino
Scp 5585 is a giant Crocidilan that controls all crocidilians. Scp 5585 has the ability to shrink down in size and survive most nucular fallout. Scp 5585 is trapped in ice and if the ice melts not …
Atlantis | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
Atlantis, classified as SCP-5525, was an ancient metropolis, the home of the Atlantean species, the capital of the Atlantean Empire, and one of the earliest known superpowers. Its prowess over the sea inspired the maritime focus of several cultures, including Phoenicia, Crete and Carthage...
Объекты VI - Включая рассказы - SCP Foundation
5000 - 5099 SCP-5000 - Почему? Отвратительно last-of-the-hand a-girl-that-died not-the-end (Фрагменты) to-end-all-endings (Фрагменты) to-end-all-endings the-reunion scp-5004 maybe-capitalism-is-a-bad-idea scp-5005 for-merely-dreaming-we-were-snow monochrome SCP-5012 - Из бездонной ямы не выкарабкаешься Хаб «На горе ...