SCP-5591 - SCP Foundation
SCP-5591 Described Event: As Site Manager, 2 Mendez embezzled over $15,000 worth of Amazon e-gift cards. Mendez managed to pay this back by selling the gift cards on online marketplaces, taking the money into online casinos, and managing to win a one-million-dollar jackpot within his first 50 slot spins.
SCP系列(5000-5999) - 知乎
SCP-5551 - Personally, I Prefer Sweet over Savory. SCP-5554 - Aki Aki!
Scp-5591 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino
scp-5591 is a Japanese male human, standing at 4’7 feet and is quite skinny, with no outstanding features. Scp-5591 is commonly violent, often lashing out at staff, and attempting to escape on multiple occasions. However these attempts most likely end in failure due to scp-5591’s small and skinny stature they are rather easy to restrain.
SCP-5591 "Easy-Fake Oven" Safe [SCP Document Reading]
2020年8月8日 · Read along! http://www.scpwiki.com/scp-5591 SCP-5591 is an anomalous easy bake oven knock off that is in the middle of a battle between various GOI...
SCP-5592(旧) - SCP基金会
由于SCP-5592的特性,试图用“蠕虫”以外的任何词汇对其进行物理描述是不可能的。 SCP-5592能够从任何大型水体中找到。 唯一的标准是这片水域被认为是一个湖泊,并且在这片水域的底部存在着大量的淤泥。 如果有人知道SCP-5592的存在,那么SCP-5592个体将始终存在。
基金會設施 - SCP基金會
2022年4月1日 · 起初用於作為監測 SCP-2812 的哨站,自此之後Site-81漸漸成長為區域內最大型的設施。 基金會的分級委員會即於本設施內,另外還設有一個規模龐大的機動部隊部屬站。
想问问大家伙觉得的高质量的scp文档【scp_foundation吧】_百度 …
想快速锁定读一些好康的文档楼主先来SCP-3790 反常部追加一个SCP-3935 此地静谧疯狂楼主看的不是很多,只看了些入门的有什么都可以推
SCP-3199 - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-3199 指代一类五型智能生物实体,其起源目前未知,但组织样本中出现了了乌鸡 1 、黑猩猩 2 、白鼬 3 、贻贝 4 、蝰蛇 5 与人类的 DNA 痕迹。 它们体表通常无毛,覆盖有一层薄薄的类蛋白分泌物,站立身高平均为 2.9m。 成熟个体平均重 780kg,幼体平均 360kg。 对其的尸检表明,成熟 SCP-3199 个体的脊椎由软骨而非硬骨组成,最多可扭转 340°,从而使其能够顺利繁殖。 SCP-3199 是伺机而动的捕食者,会攻击 未知范围内的 距离未发育成熟的幼体半径 0.6km …
SCP-231 - SCP基金会
SCP-5595 - SCP Foundation
SCP-5595 was discovered on May 24, 2019, in Site-322's first-floor security checkpoint. SCP-5595's presence did not initially raise alarm due to its amiable nature and knowledge of ongoing Site activities; those who encountered it believed it was a …
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