SCP-5621 - SCP Foundation
2024年2月27日 · SCP-5621 is an anomalous alchemic imprint occurring at Calvin University in Grand Rapids, Michigan. SCP-5621 is imprinted upon the swimming pool within the Ed Taylor …
SCP-5621 - SCP基金会
scp-5621是一异常性的炼金印刻,发生于密歇根州大急流市的凯尔文大学。 SCP-5621印刻于Ed Taylor体育馆内的游泳池上。 带着某种规整的频率,SCP-5621会异常性炼金方式造成池中水 …
SCP-5621 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
2019年3月7日 · Description: SCP-5621 is a male, seemingly race-less, humanoid in appearance with apparent galaxies in his hair. SCP-5621 was discovered walking the streets of New York …
SCP系列(5000-5999) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
5000到5099 scp-5000 - 为什么?scp-5001 - 神圣不可侵犯scp-5002 - 收容室女尸之谜scp-5003 - 衰竭scp-5004 - 狂妄之人scp-5005 - 长夜孤灯scp-5006 - 无人可信scp-5007 - 巴斯海峡scp …
SCP-5621 - Fondation SCP
SCP-5621 est une empreinte alchimique anormale qui se manifeste à l'université Calvin à Grand Rapids, dans le Michigan. SCP-5621 est imprégné sur la piscine du centre sportif Ed Taylor. …
SCP-2521 - Villains Wiki
SCP-2521, also known as | | | , is an antagonist in the SCP Foundation series. It is a Keter class entity currently un-contained by the Foundation due to its capabilities. It is a creature who …
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Special Containment Procedures - Discuss Scratch
Description: SCP-5621 is a group designation for a supply of 84 pharmaceutical tablets labeled “consumption pill by dado”. SCP-5621 possesses a cognitohazard which affects 5% of people, …
SCP-5620 - SCP Foundation
2020年3月26日 · Description: SCP-5620 is a toy oven resembling similar products manufactured in the early 2000s. The oven itself is nonanomalous in make, comprised of metal and plastic …
KTE-CN-5621-Yellow Faraday-“电击大夫” - G.O.C-全球超自然联盟
2023年1月12日 · [ KTE-5621-Yellow Faraday-“电击大夫”] 授权应对等级: 2级 [低威胁] 描述: 该项目是一个身高174cm,重72kg,年龄为48岁的亚洲中年男性个体。该项目可以在与其他人 …