SCP-5690 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-5690 is a brothel located in the city of Las Vegas. SCP-5690 is staffed almost entirely by Ardor-class demonic entities, characterized by a specialty toward the third Cardinal Vice, lust. SCP-5690 currently employs 16 Ardor-class entities.
SCP-5690 - SCP基金会
SCP-5690的员工几乎全部是阿多尔级恶魔实体,其特征为专精于第三大恶德——色欲。 目前有16名阿多尔级实体受雇于SCP-5690。 SCP-5690的顾客通常不会意识到其异常性,只是付费与这些实体进行性活动。 实体从中获得双份的好处:顾客的付费可以维持生意,另外阿多尔级的恶魔会在与凡人性交时获得塔尔塔洛共振能量(TRE)的补充。 SCP-5690是在1993年3月由 克拉克·亚当斯Clark Adams 特工偶然发现的,他是Site-666刚刚建成时被调派过来的第一批人员之一。 …
SCP-5690 - 專業調教女王 - SCP基金會
SCP-5690工作者幾乎都是Ardor級惡魔實體,特色對第三罪的專精 —— 色慾。 SCP-5690當前聘用的Ardor級實體共有16名。 向實體付款以換取性交易的顧客大多不會發現實體的異常性質。
SCP-5690 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
SCP-5690, nicknamed "Professional Demonatrix", is a brothel located within SCP-4661 owned and operated by SCP-5690-B along with 16 Ardor-class (Lust) demons, more specficially, incubi. Customers, typically unaware of the business' demonic nature and origin, pay the staff of the brothel around...
SCP系列(5000-5999) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
SCP-5690 - 专业恶魔女王大人; SCP-5691 - The Painter of Worlds; SCP-5692 - Illegal Aliens; SCP-5693 - 如果你想知道上帝如何看待金钱,只要看看他把钱给了谁就知道了; SCP-5694 - 战猪,或皮格地外翁; SCP-5695 - 巧克力金鱼; SCP-5696 - 最后一张A; SCP-5697 - 贝壳面先生; SCP-5698 - 经济迁移 ...
Site-666 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
Agent Clark Adams, part of the new wave of personnel assigned to Site-666, was referred to SCP-5690 by other security personnel as a place to visit while off duty. After testing its services, Adams reported 5690 to his superiors.
Entry Page: 5690 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
Agent Clark Adams Jesus SCP-5690-B Agent Alice Sterling Containment Classes Safe Disruption Classes Dark Vlam Risk Classes Notice Security Clearance Levels Level 3 20th Century CE 1990s 1993 Covenant SCP Foundation Department of Applied Force Department of Task Forces Mobile Task Forces Omega-33 "Ocean's Three-hundred" Hell Fourth Circle Undervegas Prime Universe Earth North America United ...
SCP-5690 - アニヲタWiki(仮)【3/23更新】 - atwiki(アットウィ …
2 天之前 · SCP-5690はシェアード・ワールドSCP Foundationに登場するオブジェクトである。 この記事には アノマリー分類システム が導入されており、分類のされ方が従来とは異なる。
SCP-5690 - Tổ Chức SCP - Wikidot
SCP-5690 hiện tại có 16 nhân viên là thực thể quỷ-Ardor. Khách hàng trả tiền để đổi lại dịch vụ thỏa mãn tình dục từ các thực thể, nhưng thường không biết đến tính dị thường của chúng.
求大佬推荐..2k的必读(大概?)scp-2000 - 机械降神,scp-2006 - 太吓人啦,scp-2217 - 神之锤砧,scp-2295 - 缝心的熊,scp-2399 - 故障中的毁灭者,scp-244 ... scp-整数(推荐),5243 - 不断突破的突破(推荐),5500 - 作者之死,5514 - 屠龙者,5690 - 专业恶魔女王大人(推荐 ...
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