SCP-596 - SCP Foundation
Oct 8, 2022 · Description: SCP-596 is a 63cm high bronze snake statue, believed to be a representation of . SCP-596 was recovered from a hospital in in the hands of - , suspected by local authorities of being a tomb robber. While the implications are clear, the original location of SCP-596 is still unknown.
SCP-596 | Cursed Regeneration Statue (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
SCP-596 is a 63cm high bronze snake statue, believed to be a representation of [REDACTED]. When a person makes physical contact with SCP-596, they are unable to release contact or move...
SCP-5962 - SCP Foundation
Apr 2, 2024 · Description: SCP-5962 is an obese humanoid resembling the McDonald's fast-food mascot known as "Ronald McDonald". It weighs approximately 5 tonnes, and is 4 m in height. The specimen is naked except wearing only yellow gloves, and red shoes. Its head is notably large, having a diameter of 1.3 m.
SCP-5956 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-5956 is the REISNO. Cannon, a temporal manipulation mechanism allowing the synchronization of one's consciousness at two distinct points in time.
SCP-596 - La Fundación SCP
La única manera de sacar completamente a un sujeto es que otra persona haga contacto físico con SCP-596, en cuyo momento el sujeto original expirará. Cuando se encuentra en contacto con SCP-596, cualquier herida o lesión se curará a una velocidad increíble.
SCP-596 - SCP財団
SCP-596は の病院において、地方自治体から墓泥棒の嫌疑をかけられていた - の手から回収されました。 その影響は明らかになりましたが、SCP-596が本来あった位置は未だに判明していません。 人間がSCP-596と物理的に接触すると、その接触した部分を離すことが不可能になり、自分自身で像を動かすこともできなくなります。 この被験者を除去する唯一の方法は第三者 …
SCP-596 - Fondation SCP
SCP-596 est apporté, le sujet - étant attaché et sous sédatifs. Placé sous surveillance dans une chambre de confinement. Le sujet paraissait agité et souffrant, se tortillant d’autant plus que les sédatifs perdaient de leur effet.
SCP-596 - Прóклятая исцеляющая статуя
Описание: SCP-596 представляет собой бронзовую статуэтку змеи высотой 63 см, предположительно изображающую . SCP-596 был обнаружен в больнице в руках - , подозреваемого местными властями в разграблении могил. Хотя последствия очевидны, первоначальное расположение SCP-596 до сих пор неизвестно.
SCP-596 - Fondazione SCP
SCP-596, connesso con un soggetto sedato, è stato introdotto nella camera di contenimento e tenuto sotto osservazione. Il soggetto appariva inquieto e sofferente, presentando un crescente stato d'agitazione con l'attenuarsi degli effetti del sedativo.
SCP 596 : r/SCP - Reddit
Apr 25, 2022 · Excellent depiction of the body horror/nightmare fuel aspects of the regeneration. Fun fact: Alan Moore is a self-professed devotee of Glykon. If he's going to believe in a god, he might as well believe in a hoax god. So it's growing two hands, on top of the one hand holding the statue? Was this ever declassified?