SCP-6082 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-6082-A is a massive subterranean complex located 200 meters below Yellowknife, NWT, Canada, solely accessible by the use of a hatch located under the Great …
SCP-6082 - SCP基金会
SCP-6082-A是一个有着数个机械装置的被设计为为各种活动提供能源的大型钢制五边形锅炉房。 对SCP-6082内部的检测所得出的证据表明,SCP-6082-A是使用异常技术在1969年11月27日 …
SCP-682 - 百度百科
scp-682「不灭孽蜥」是网络集成创作式新怪谈文学《scp基金会》系列中的超自然生物之一。初始外观为一只巨大的爬行动物,对几乎所有生命都抱有敌意,拥有极强的攻击性。生命力极其顽 …
SCP-6082 - SCP Foundation
The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. SCP Foundation Secure, Contain, Protect. Sister Sites SCP International; Wanderer's Library; Community Site …
SCP-6082 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
2022年4月29日 · Laconic Description: SCP-6082 is a massive boiler room located beneath a lake in Yellowknife, Canada. It was created as the Department of Abnormalities to build a giant …
SCP-6082 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
DESCRIPTION:SCP 6082 is a entity of unknown origin hiding in dark.It does not have a stable shape and can be seen out of the corner of the eye, sometimes.It will disappear when it is …
SCP-6082 - SCP財団
scp-6082-aの中央に位置し、scp-6082への入り口として使用されている巨大なハッチ。 ハッチの先には管理室が存在する。 地球外の太陽系内から撮影されたと推定される、近傍銀河の記 …
SCP-6082-1 - SCP基金会
控制,收容,保护. scp系列 系列 ix (8000 - 8999) 系列 viii (7000 - 7999) 系列 vii (6000 - 6999)
SCP-6082 | His Throne | Department of Abnormalities - YouTube
Researcher Rowe Lucian talks about SCP-6082, His Throne [Entry] https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6082...more.
SCP-6082 - SCP Foundation
SCP-6082 is a massive shaft located under SCP-6082-A. SCP-6082 is, as of the time of writing, currently inaccessible. Research into opening SCP-6082 is currently ongoing. Addendum: On …