SCP-6373 - SCP Foundation
SCP-6373-3 is referred to as "Ame". Though Ame does not typically speak or make noise, it will, on occasion, silently cry. Ame is the most frequent target of Pierre's verbal and physical abuse.
SCP-6373 - SCP基金会
SCP-6373-3被称为“Ame”。Ame一般不会说话或发出声响,但它偶尔会无声哭泣。 Ame是Pierre施以言语和身体虐待的最频繁目标。 SCP-6373-4是一个长脖子小丑,穿着常规小丑外套和白手套。SCP-6373-4是唯一有铰接下巴的人偶,原本可通过连接嘴部下方的丝线来操作。
在各类提案塞满了建议箱,让O5们花费了近一个月时间研究这些谏言后,让我们恭喜 two cat 与 flipiris 的死亡从善如流:SCP基金会D级人员管理制度优化史给O5们留下了最为深刻的印象! O5们保证他们一定会对这提案的撰写者“多加照顾”。
【Mylist复制】天丛云P,或根植于精品評選帖的每月PickUp整理 - SCP …
WELCOME TO THE MABOROSHI CLUB. 对 精品評選板块Vol.1&2中被推荐选为 FeATureD 中继点的站台们的整理,亦作#广撒网竞赛颁奖典礼暨盗版中分(不是说发型)用户推荐清单#的N64世代重置版(消费情怀的卷钱作而已)现已融化为精品的部分会被 芝兰紫 所浸染。. 作为在日常对话中取代猜火车的隐语一种,此处不完全 ...
SCP Foundation: SCPs 6000 to 6999 - TV Tropes
SCP-6373, "Stage Blight." A group of extremely creepy-looking puppets who put on a deranged performance every day at 6 PM sharp. It's heavily implied that they are possessed by the man who created them, a French theater owner named Goffard, who lost everything in a divorce when his wife embezzled money from his theater.
SCP-6373 Declassified : r/SCPDeclassified - Reddit
2021年10月15日 · So.. the puppets are the remains of his wife - Ame is the soul, Pierre the brain, Glouton the body, Jacques is the heart. Jacques leaked rotting heart juices on her. Glouton literally swallowed her, and she got to experience her own rotting intestines and feces.
SCP-6373 - Stage Blight | SCP 6373 is a Neutralized Class …
SCP 6373 is a Neutralized Class anomaly also known as Stage Blight. SCP-6373 is a collection of four papier-mâché puppets, each 1 meter in height. At 18:00 daily, SCP6373 will gain anomalous properties, primarily limited sentience, mobility, and intelligence.
SCP-6373 - Stage Blight : r/SCP - Reddit
2021年9月27日 · From what I can tell close up it looks like a charcoal drawing but I’d be surprised if it really is since the details are so clean and crisp. One of the creepiest scp I watch. SCP-6373. 87 votes, 10 comments. 711K subscribers in the SCP community. Secure, Contain, Protect | Official subreddit of the SCP Wiki collaborative-fiction…
SCP-6373 - Сценический упадок - SCP Foundation
Описание: SCP-6373 — общее обозначение, данное четырём сделанным из папье-маше марионеткам. Химический анализ материалов, использовавшихся для их создания, не выявил наличия каких бы то ни было аномальных …
Scp-6373 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
2019年3月19日 · Abilities: scp-6373 carries a sniper what seems to be way to futuristic for our era. Scp-6373 cloak seems to make him invisible for as long as as he wants. When he wears the cloak he can walk or phase Through walls or else can cloak himself so he is camouflage with any substances knows to man.