SCP-6883 - SCP Foundation
SCP-6883 refers to the spontaneous transfiguration of human individuals, generally workers and salary people, into human-sized entities resembling the American cockroach (Periplaneta americana). It is mainly localized to 12 cities in the Czech Republic, particularly in Prague.
SCP-6883 - SCP Explained
Laconic Description: SCP-6883 is an event where the Administrator transformed all of humanity into cockroach people, caused by a giant castle made from plantlife and technology. Additional Context: SCP-6883 was an entry in the SCP-6000 Contest, where it won 68th place.
SCP-6882 - SCP Foundation
ITEM #: SCP-6882. OBJECT CLASS: N/A. SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: Containment of SCP-6882 is no longer required, following its sudden occurrence throughout the world. All attempts from the Foundation at preventing the general public from interacting with the anomaly have been disregarded.
SCP-3883 - SCP Foundation
2024年4月28日 · Description: SCP-3883 is a green tentacle-shaped silicone dildo measuring 16.5 cm in length. Two anomalous properties are associated with SCP-3883: the first effect manifests when SCP-3883 is placed in front of a reflective surface, while the second effect manifests when a human individual enters REM sleep 1 within a 1.5 meter radius of the object.
Lambda-12 "Pest Control" - SCP Database Wiki
MTF λ-12 (Lambda-12), nicknamed "Pest Control", is a Mobile Task Force of the SCP Foundation dedicated to containing or eradicating anomalous pests or vermin. They are also typically deployed as first-response to tracking anomalous creatures in general.
Is there any good new scp that doesn’t have the length of a ... - Reddit
2021年10月31日 · The one you're describing is SCP-6883. Articles mentioned in this submission. SCP-6500 - Inevitable (+406) by Ihp, DarkStuff, Aethris, Placeholder McD, S D Locke, Grigori Karpin, HarryBlank. How long is "a bit long" in your mind?
r/SCP on Reddit: What SCPs almost make you cry thinking about …
The SCP where it's a being who accompanies those who are on the verge of death. I can never remember the number but it always makes me emotional. It also took me multiple months before I wouldn't immediately start crying at the sight or mention of the words "Here be Dragons".
SCP 재단 채널 - 아카라이브
2020年8月18日 · Notice SCP 재단 챈 오리엔테이션(유입 필독) NV 2021.03.23 10268 . Notice SCP 재단 채널 규칙.rule NV 2021.01.18 6345 . Notice [펌, 번역시 필독] 재단 저작권 간단설명 NV 2020.12.31 ... 6883 한위키 정주행 119일차 (957/3056)
機動特遣隊 - SCP基金會
2025年1月11日 · 一支營級戰鬥特遣隊在訓練時可能就以處置高侵略性異常實體作為假想目標,而規模可能高達數百名士兵再加上後勤、載具以及各類裝備,而且還能在世界各地投入總體或部分兵力以應對未知威脅。 但另一方面,專職於情報偵蒐或研究調查的小型部隊也可能只需要總數不到十人的隊員就足以完成任務。 機動特遣隊在任務現場經常根據狀況需求偽裝成緊急應變人員、 …
SCP-6183: "B L A C K B O X" (Part Two) : r/SCPDeclassified - Reddit
Firstly, SCP-6183 is not the process of deletion (OK, technically the process of deletion is SCP-6183-C, but you know what I mean), it’s the Department of Deletions itself.
- 某些结果已被删除