SCP-6996 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-6996 is the color Red. A color from the spectrum of visible light, SCP-6996 and its various shades have an approximate wavelength of between 625 and 700 nanometers, and an approximate frequency of 400 to 480 terahertz. SCP-6996 displays an ability to elicit anomalously strong emotional reactions from those who observe it.
SCP-6996 - SCP基金会
scp-6996表现部位的休谟水平变化的潜在原因之一可能是源自超维度空间的直接入侵作用。作为对scp-6996调查工作的一部分,光谱(spectrum)项目被提出。 提案概要摘录: 通过对scp-6996入侵区域的休谟水平测量,超维度研究部认为他们已经成功三角测量了异常的源 ...
SCP-6996 - Alt Battles Wiki
SCP-6996 is the designation of the color red. Due to the color's supposed emotional effects on those who observe it, as well as the abnormally high prevalence of the color in violent anomalies, it's been assumed to be an anomalous entity attacking consensus reality.
SCP-6996 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-6996. Object Class: Keter. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-6996 is uncontainable. Laconic Description: SCP-6996 is the colour red, and it’s association with danger. Additional Context: SCP-6996 was an entry in the SCP-6000 Contest, where it won 10th place.
SCP-6996 - Vs. Battles Wiki
2025年2月11日 · SCP-6996 is the designation of the color red. Due to the color's supposed emotional effects on those who observe it, as well as the abnormally high prevalence of the color in violent anomalies, it's been assumed to be an anomalous entity attacking consensus reality.
SCP-6996 - SCP財団
SCP-6996は、自身の観察者に異常なほど強い情動反応を引き起こさせる能力を発揮します。 社会的条件や特異要因を制御する場合、財団の臨床試験において、SCP-6996への曝露は、怒り、攻撃性、性衝動、不安、傲慢さのレベルを著しく高めることが示されています。 これに加えて、財団データベースの定期的な統計分析は、SCP-6996が不釣り合いなほど大きな割合で、アノマリーと大いに関連していることを明らかにしました。 これらのアノマリーの大多数の間で …
SCP-6996 - Воет ли Красная Луна? - SCP Foundation
Описание: SCP-6996 является обозначением красного цвета в области видимого спектра. SCP-6996 и его оттенки обладают длиной волны в 625-700 нанометров и частотой в 400-480 терагерц. SCP-6996 вызывает у наблюдателя аномально сильный …
Scp-6996 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
2019年7月21日 · Scp-6996 is a Russian male, standing at around 5 feet 9 inches tall with a muscular build and blonde hair. Scp-6996 is known to the foundation as agent rolski, a Russian operative who was missing for several years. Scp-6996 was found to be alive after attempted communication with dr.rubin, who scp-6996 was engaged to prier to their disappearance.
SCP-6996 - Tổ Chức SCP - Wikidot
Mô tả: SCP-6996 là màu Đỏ. Là một màu sắc thuộc phổ ánh sáng khả kiến, SCP-6996 và các sắc độ khác của nó có bước sóng xấp xỉ nằm trong khoảng 625 và 700 nanomét, với tần số trong khoảng 400 đến 480 terahertz. SCP-6996 thể hiện khả năng khơi gợi những phản ứng cảm xúc mạnh đến dị thường ở các cá nhân quan sát nó.
SCP-6996 - SCP Foundation - Wikidot
Beschreibung: SCP-6996 ist die Farbe Rot. Eine Farbe aus dem Spektrum des sichtbaren Lichts, SCP-6996, ebenso wie seine verschiedenen Schattierungen, besitzen eine ungefähre Wellenlänge zwischen 625 und 700 Nanometer, sowie …
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