SCP-7111 - SCP Foundation
SCP-7111 is the consciousness of Dr. Karl Haiden. It is unknown what anomalous abilities SCP-7111 has, but it is thought to be a powerful reality bender. If SCP-7111 were to form in our reality it would likely cause an XK-Class end-of-the-world scenario. Prevention testing on SCP-7111 has begun under order of the O5 Council. 1.
#:7111 - SCP基金會中文沙盒站
Description: SCP-7111 was an interdimensional wormhole that formed in Site- ’s cafeteria on July 29, 2022. SCP-7111 stayed open for 10 seconds. After closing SCP-7111 left behind a recording device. 1 All files contained within the object are under review.
SCP Series 8 - SCP Foundation
Mar 21, 2025 · The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. SCP Foundation Secure, Contain, Protect. About About Us; Site Rules; FAQ; Licensing; ... SCP-7111 - A World of Chance; SCP-7112 - Loveless; SCP-7113 - C is for Closers; SCP-7114 - The Fangoddess; SCP-7115 - American Meat; SCP-7116 - Frequency Modulation 182.3;
SCP-711 - SCP Foundation
Description: Built by the SCP Foundation from plans retrieved [DATA REDACTED], SCP-711 is a device assembled from several highly-modified [DATA REDACTED] high-energy physics equipment. Its primary function [DATA EXPUNGED]: in short, it is capable of sending data into its past and of receiving data from its future.
SCP-7000竞赛中心 - SCP基金会
Mar 3, 2025 · 无论你是偶然发现了这里,还是命中注定会来到这里,都要知道,scp基金会有你是我们的幸运。 既然生活已经充满了机会和风险,何不试试你在7000竞赛中的运气呢?
SCP系列 8 - SCP基金会
被归档的scp - 这些scp由于被用于基金会故事或因为工作人员的职权而被保留。 已解明SCP - 这些SCP们,按当前的认知标准,已经不再被视为奇怪的、超自然的、或所谓‘非凡’的。
SCP-711 来自未来的保险单 - 哔哩哔哩
参考文档:http://scp-wiki-cn.wikidot.com/scp-711. 这个系列是我翻啊翻找到的,终于拿到授权了,然后为了支持创作如果字幕组收益不错的话会捐赠一些现金给作者支持创作(暗示)
SCP 7111 A World of Chance (SCP-7000 Contestant) - YouTube
SCP-7111 was a portal that send out a recording device with audio logs tells the tale of a lone Foundation employee who had to survive in a world where ever...
SCP 7111 Hell Hive | Wiki | SCP Foundation (RP) Amino - Amino …
{SCP 7111 Is in short yet accurate terms is a type of highly hazardous anomalous Mega Fauna. The primary entity is approximately 14ft tall, 60t long, and 110’ wide. It’s has approximately 20 limbs half used for mobility across the underside of its body- the other half starting from the top of its spine ending on its 12th vertebrae.
SCP-711 - SCP Explained
Laconic Description: It's a machine that can send plain-text messages to the past and receive messages from the future. That means once you get a message from it, somebody has to send it someday. We've gotten 17 messages from this thing. 16 of them were just test patterns that started out clear but gradually got terribly staticky.
- Some results have been removed